Defenders discipline

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Ability Information
Lag (ms) ??
Useable rest, stand
Prevention -
Resource endurance
Cost 110
100% + Y

From the helpfile:

Usage: defenders discipline

When you have achieved a moderate level of armor understanding, it's possible
to begin to focus your mind on how to better use that armor. The skill
defenders discipline will attempt to improve the armor rating you 
currently have by using your intellectual understanding of how armor works.
Understanding the kinks, holes, and whatever else that might make your armor
ineffective in battle is exactly what this skill focuses on. [[Defenders 
discipline]] works directly with your current armor rating and improves it 
accordingly with your intellect and wisdom. The higher the wisdom you have 
attained, the greater the benefits this skill will incur. Hearsay tells us 
that knights and nojohrs of intellectual mastery and mastery of wisdom have 
been able to almost double the protection of their current armor with this 
skill. However, no one has seen such a master in a long, long time.

This skill gains an additional benefit with mastery points beyond 100%.
