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Throw allows you to throw certain throwable items in a particular direction or at a set target. Throw is impacted by Strength, Speed, and Damage.

From "help throw:"


Throwing in a direction syntax:

  throw <item keyword>, <direction>
  throw <item multiple keywords>, <direction>


  -> throw 2.dagger black, north
  -> throw dagger, n
  -> throw dag, up

Throwing at a target syntax (must first set a target via 'target'):

  throw <item keyword>, target


  -> throw 2.dagger black, target
  -> throw dagger, tar
  -> throw dag, target

Throwing uses your strength and speed as additional damage modifiers, therefore
the stronger and faster you are, the more damage you inflict when throwing
weapons at your opponents.

For more information see 'help target' on how to lock in a target.