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The two examples below serve as an example of damage-details such as attack types and specific wording will not be addressed. For more details on combat, check out the article.

Example #1: Uncompressed Attacks (advanced)


An expanded mode to combat can be seen by using the output compress my attacks and output compress enemy attacks toggles. In this example to the right, you see combat output with uncompressed attacks. You'll see a variety of things:

  • A morgal's shield doing grazes (9) damage
  • A warrior native attack doing shending (56) damage
  • A tempalus blade doing MAIMS (1005) damage
  • A left bludgeon doing MAIMS (1165) damage
  • Another tempalus blade hitting for MAIMS (1090)
  • Another left bludgeon hitting for DEHISCES (993)
  • A blow from wings of Ontonai doing SUNDER (1648) damage
  • A charge for DISMEMBERING (1405)
  • Another tempalus blade hitting for MAIMS (1090)
  • Another left bludgeon hitting for MAIMS (1104)
  • Another tempalus blade hitting for DISMSMBERS (1311)
  • Another left bludgeon hitting for MAIMS (1107)
  • A last tempalus blade hitting for ERADICATES (8777)

...this single round hit for 21,085 damage, while the warrior native hit for 56 damage.

Example #2: Compressed Attacks (simple)


In this example round of combat, you'll see two lines only:

  • A beam of light hitting for ERADICATES (7981) damage onto a native shaman
  • 12 attacks hitting for SUNDERING 1602, indicating a total (in brackets to the left) of 19,224 damage.

This opening round of combat shows a leading off prevent, holy light, that initiated combat, and a round immediately follows it. The output for combat is compressed, so you don't see individual weapon attacks, misses, parries, racials, or other information, just an overview.