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A command is the most basic control of the game. For a controller, examples could be up, down, B, A, or right trigger; or on a computer, a keyboard and mouse. In Nodeka, the player uses these commands as controls for their character.
From "help command:"
<codeblock> Basic commands:
Basic commands are commands which are most commonly used. Some of these commands are as follows:
equipment - used to see what items you currently carry inventory - used to see what items you currently carry
follow - the command that will attempt to follow another player or mob (see 'help mob')
gain - the command that increases your level, if you have enough experience and are in the presence of a guildmaster (see 'help gain')
practice - used to list your current set of known skills and spells. Also used to attempt to increase the ability percent of either a skill or a spell
save - attempts to save your progress (useful in preventing any loss in case Nodeka crashes)
score - shows you useful character information, including your basic attributes, gold, experience, etc.
quit - the command which "logs you off" of Nodeka. This command must be performed before logging in another character onto Nodeka.
For more information about each, type 'help <command>'. Example:
-> help save -> help gain -> help follow