Areas List

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 [ Nodekian areas ]: 
   Suggested       Level    Area (continent)     
   non-remort          1    The Path of Guidance reva (Gedaon)    
   non-remort          1    Fields of guidance (Gedaon)             
   non-remort          5    Training Academy (Gedaon)               
   non-remort         10    NaPali (Gedaon)                         
   non-remort         10    Mejath (Gedaon)                         
   non-remort         25    Haunted Caves (Gedaon)                  
   non-remort         30    Shtera Graveyard (Gedaon)               
   non-remort         30    Mazatzal (Gedaon)                       
   non-remort         30    Grunfeld Bogs (Gedaon)                  
   non-remort         30    Lycaeum (Gedaon)                        
   non-remort         33    Thinthan Forest (Gedaon)                
   non-remort         35    Empire Ants (Gedaon)                    
   non-remort         40    The Brigand's Noose (Tarsis)            
   non-remort         50    Church of the Sun (Gedaon)              
   non-remort         50    Dorin Foothills (Gedaon)                
   non-remort         50    Balidon Cove (Tarsis)                   
   non-remort         55    Oshigosh (Gedaon)                       
   non-remort         55    Order of Modeir (Tarsis)                
   non-remort         60    G'Kir (Gedaon)                          
   non-remort         60    Rheorn City (Gedaon)                    
   non-remort         60    The Orcish Town of Xuvgra (Gedaon)      
   non-remort         75    The Towers of Lkkt-Vao (Gedaon)         
   non-remort         90    Rheorn Palace (Gedaon)                  
   non-remort         90    The Kobolds Lair (Gedaon)               
   non-remort         95    The Rheorn dungeons (Gedaon)            
   non-remort         95    Rhall (Gedaon)                          
   non-remort        100    Ruushi (Gedaon)                         
   non-remort        100    Heart of the Direwood (Tarsis)          
   non-remort        100    The Triage Encampment (Tarsis)          
   non-remort        100    Meindahrin (Gedaon)                     
   non-remort        100    Derkai Cliff Dwellings (Tarsis)         
   non-remort        100    The Vestil Desert (Gedaon)              
   non-remort        100    Tower of Mist (Gedaon)                  
   non-remort        100    The Orcish Outpost of Xuv (Gedaon)      
   non-remort        100    Creshingwale Village (unknown)          
   non-remort        100    Realm of the Ancients (Tarsis)          
   non-remort        100    Gedaon (continent)                      
   minor remort       50    Aragnarack mines (Tarsis)               
   minor remort       50    Geist mists (Gedaon)                    
   minor remort       50    The Zembori Plains (Gedaon)             
   minor remort       65    Vl'lak Grounds (Gedaon)                 
   minor remort       65    The Chaos (Gedaon)                      
   minor remort       70    Dark Elves Homeland (Gedaon)            
   minor remort       75    Katahdin Town (Gedaon)                  
   minor remort       75    Maglor Elensar (Foldroth)               
   minor remort       80    Dragon's Tower (Gedaon)                 
   minor remort       80    The misty hills (Gedaon)                
   minor remort       85    Dorin Heights (Gedaon)                  
   minor remort       90    Vunagi Jungle (Foldroth)                
   minor remort      100    Khan-Lith Expansion (Gedaon)            
   minor remort      100    Telgoran Ruins (Foldroth)               
   minor remort      100    Beehive Base (Tarsis)                   
   minor remort      100    Foldroth (continent)                    
   minor remort      100    Arcadia (Gedaon)                        
   minor remort      100    The Duchy of Khan-Lith (Gedaon)         
   minor remort      100    The Asylum (Gedaon)                     
   minor remort      100    The Dunari Valley (Gedaon)              
   minor remort      100    Tarsis (continent)                      
   major remort       50    Island of Bayesh (Gedaon)               
   major remort       65    The Belkan Tundra (Gedaon)              
   major remort       75    Amras Calanor - Ocean Rem (Tarsis)      
   major remort       75    Castle of Bayesh (Gedaon)               
   major remort       90    Rumil Ancalimon (Foldroth)              
   major remort      100    Fierife's home (Gedaon)                 
   major remort      100    Trask's Home (Mhaldryn)                 
   major remort      100    Fierfie's Home (Gedaon)                 
   major remort      100    Kazbek (Tarsis)                         
   major remort      100    Sigat Huri (unknown)                    
   major remort      100    Zan'golin (Foldroth)                    
   major remort      100    Qellan Base (Gedaon)                    
   major remort      100    Skiddle Barank (unknown)                
   major remort      100    Abyss (Gedaon)                          
   major remort      100    Aur-Vindi (Mhaldryn)                    
   major remort      100    Auriakan Palace (Mhaldryn)              
   major remort      100    Klieard'n Everglades (Isles of Drale)       
   major remort      100    The Kon-Taro Jungle (Mhaldryn)          
   major remort      100    Citadel (unknown)                       
   major remort      100    Chaparral Outpost (Isles of Drale)          
   major remort      100    Immortal World (unknown)                
   major remort      100    Katahdin Keep Walls (Gedaon)            
   major remort      100    Canyons Throat (unknown)                
   major remort      100    Lord Braggi's Proving Gro (Gedaon)      
   major remort      100    Stormhaven (Gedaon)                     
   major remort      100    Ancient Barrows (Mhaldryn)              
   major remort      100    Illurien (Tarsis)                       
   major remort      100    Tomb of Autur (Mhaldryn)                
   major remort      100    The Bhalin Deeps (Mhaldryn)             
   major remort      100    Isles of Dralerale (continent)              
   major remort      100    The Auriakan Gauntlet (unknown)         
   major remort      100    Rogha Fen (Mhaldryn)                    
   major remort      100    The Peaks of Bahnin (unknown)           
   major remort      100    Peaks of Shiltr Ogres (unknown)         
   major remort      100    Yeriwyrian Penumbra (Mhaldryn)          
   major remort      100    Siege of Baro'ket (unknown)             
   major remort      100    Caves of the Misfits (unknown)          
   major remort      100    Kyobushi (Gedaon)                       
   major remort      100    Hades Fissure (Isles of Drale)              
   major remort      100    Fortress of the Bule (Isles of Drale)       
   major remort      100    Citadel of Paragon (Foldroth)           
   major remort      100    Distant Land of Ahjul (unknown)         
   major remort      100    Order of the Tolling Bell (unknown)     
   major remort      100    Geist Ruins (Gedaon)                    
   major remort      100    Island of Turgon (unknown)              
   major remort      100    Fortress of the Demon Kin (Isles of Drale)  
   major remort      100    Ha-ug'ashk (Tarsis)                     
   major remort      100    The Loth'ga Jorgu Heavens (unknown)     
   major remort      100    The Sentinels' Watch (unknown)          
   major remort      100    Bavriis Mhalos (Mhaldryn)               
   major remort      100    Vindi Docks (unknown)                   
   major remort      100    Pain's Tabernacle (unknown)             
   major remort      100    Kar'toren Landing (unknown)             
   major remort      100    Domen'shi Frontier (unknown)            
   major remort      100    The Twisted Divide (unknown)            
   major remort      100    Walk of Forgotten Epochs (unknown)      
   major remort      100    The Hallowed Scar (unknown)             
   major remort      100    Shores of Madness (unknown)             
   major remort      100    Helios' Summit (unknown)                
   major remort      100    Camp of the White Lion (Isles of Drale)     
   major remort      100    The Saz-sari Hegemony (unknown)         
   major remort      100    Crafting (unknown)                      
   major remort      100    Artisan Crafting (unknown)              
   major remort      100    RuushiExtended (unknown)                
   major remort      100    Vl'lakian Invasion Base (unknown)       
   major remort      100    Halls of Illusion (unknown)             
   major remort      100    Tunnels of Aur Vindi (unknown)          
   major remort      100    The Hallowed District of  (unknown)     
   major remort      100    Fantabulous Carebear Cast (unknown)     
   major remort      100    Shadowmire Crag (unknown)               
   major remort      100    The Crystal Caverns of Az (unknown)     
   major remort      100    Blade's Vigil (unknown)                 
   major remort      100    Cave of Constellations (unknown)        
   major remort      100    Olvidado Forest (Tarsis)                
   major remort      100    Hall of Virtue (unknown)                
   major remort      100    A crappy old pub (unknown)              
   major remort      100    The Elemental Plateau (unknown)         
   major remort      100    Evil Clan Hall (unknown)                
   major remort      100    Karmova's Keep (unknown)                
   major remort      100    The Shadowridge Hideout (unknown)       
   major remort      100    Akira's Area (Gedaon)                   
   major remort      100    Clan Hall Mobs (unknown)                
   major remort      100    Nodekian Festival Grounds (unknown)     
   major remort      100    Iron Claw Fortress (Gedaon)             
   major remort      100    Cirque de la Mort (Tarsis)              
   major remort      100    Dragonspine Foothills (Gedaon)          
   major remort      100    The Old Dwarf Pass (unknown)            
   major remort      100    Spine Ridge (unknown)                   
   major remort      100    Dragonspine Peaks (unknown)             
   major remort      100    Mhaldryn (continent)                    

 [ Total Nodekian areas ]: 148