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As described on Nodeka's website: Nodeka is massive. With over 100,000 rooms, in over 90 areas, spanning five continents, you won't run out of places to explore. Below is a brief description of many of the areas across the Nodekian globe.[1]

Nodeka is a massive world.

Help File

From the "help areas" help file:


Usage: areas
Usage: areas suggested

The 'areas' command lists all of the Nodekian areas in the game.

The 'areas suggested' command lists all the areas that are suggested for you
to enter. These areas are best suited for average players of the level and
remortal status. Note that the level suggested is the minimum suggested level
for the area. Entering the area below the minimum suggested level is not 
advised. However, continuing to run the area after you are beyond the minimum
suggested level is perfectly acceptable.

New players looking for areas that are acceptable for them, should use the 
'areas suggested' format.

For more information, see: help where, help exits


Nodeka's world consists of five continents, with areas and sub-areas contained within. There are geographical features such as mountain ranges, oceans, rivers, volcanoes, forests, deserts, and more. A real-time map is displayed as a feature of the MUD.

The five continents are:

Gedaon is likely the most familiar continent. The default home of Ruushi, as well as the starter quests in the Fields of Guidance and Mejath are located within. There are many low-level areas and early-game quests here as well. It's located fairly close to center within the world and can be considered as a main hub of travel and activity, mainly due to the Temple of Ruushi. To the west is Tarsis, southwest Mhaldryn, southeast Foldroth, and northeast are the Isles of Drale. Of those, the next most familiar continent in the world is likely Mhaldryn, which is home to Aur-Vindi, a common home for many players, with access to Foldroth to the east.

Map Legend

A lot of features, both in the overworld and inside of localized areas are represented by various ASCII symbols. See below from "help map legend:"

Below are some common graphical map icons. See also: 'help map'.

                       you ->  #                       ^  <- up exit
            clan member(s) ->  *                     * )
               other PC(s) ->  *       down exit ->  v 
             follower NPCs ->  !        
            current target ->  @                       +  <-- up door
  NPC with possible quests ->  $                     [ ]
potentially aggressive NPCs ->  !       down door ->  +
                      NPCs ->  !        
                   item(s) ->  i
                                       west door -> +/ \+ <- east door
                     doors ->  +       
          walls (vertical) ->  |       
        walls (horizontal) ->  -        
    entrance to a new area -> [?]        
     various terrain tiles -> / \  ~ ~  * )  , `  [ ]  ` . etc.


Nodeka gedaon.jpg Overview of Gedaon

Nodeka drale.jpg Overview of The Isles of Drale

See Also:


  1. Source: | Accessed: September 5, 2020