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This command is used to determine if an NPC who is a quest mob can either begin a quest or continue a quest line.

Help File

From "help check:"

Quests check:

Usage: quests check <target>
Usage: check <target>

Important: this command can be used to force a quest mob into the next 
natural action regarding quests.

The quests check command does the following:

   - tells if an NPC can open/complete quests for players
   - tells if the NPC has remaining unopened/uncompleted quests for the player
   - attempts to continue the next natural quest action for the player (this
     could be opening a quest, continue a quest, completing a quest, etc.)

Although NPCs can give out an unlimited number of quests at a time, they can
only interact with one player at a time. Therefore, doing a quest check may
sometimes inform the player that an NPC can open/continue a quest, but will not
immediately start the next quest action due to the NPC currently interacting
with another player. Generally, waiting 60 seconds is enough time for the NPC to
finish the interaction with the current player. At which point you should try
to quest check the NPC again.

For more information about quests, see: help quests action, help quests open,
   help quests completed

Examples of Check Messages

You still have quests that a mob can give you:

Thalden can open player quests. 
Thalden can open or complete at least one quest you have not completed.

You still have quests that a mob can give you or continue a quest line:

Tloka, the witch failed to continue questing with you. Either you cannot open or
continue any of the remaining quests (yet), or the mob simply failed to find
a quest that you can open or continue. You may want to quest check again.

Beginning a quest:

A crazed hermit tells you, 'Huh! I haven't seen anyone in these parts for quite
some time. Praise the gods above! They've sent a messenger to help me on my holy quest.'

< emote > A crazed hermit lowers his voice and waves his arms in a random direction.

A crazed hermit tells you, 'Shhhhh! They might hear you. I have a very
important quest for you. I need 5 tentacles and 2 spearplant blades to
create a salve for you, how you get them is up to you. Collect these items
for me and return them to me as quickly as possible!'