Quest: Grunfeld Bogs : A crazed hermit
This quests is for some
The Grunfeld Bogs [ exits: east south ] The entire area is a series of fog obscured bogs. The air is filled with the stench of decaying plant material and rotting carcasses of those animals not strong enough to survive the demands of this fetid place. The ground is soaked with water and the muck that forms catches small rodents and pulls them to their grave. The occasional traveler's boot sticks out of the mud.
A very unkempt man stares at you with a glassy stare.
A crazed hermit tells you, 'Huh! I haven't seen anyone in these parts for quite some time. Praise the gods above! They've sent a messenger to help me on my holy quest.
< emote > A crazed hermit lowers his voice and waves his arms in a random direction. A crazed hermit tells you, 'Shhhhh! They might hear you. I have a very important quest for you. I need 5 tentacles and 2 spearplant blades to create a salve for you, h ow you get them is up to you. Collect these items for me and return them to me as quickly as possible!'
You have opened a quest (type quests open for more details).
k tenta [ 748 ] You land [ 1 of 1 ] attacks on a tentacle: MUTILATING (748) damage!! A tentacle falls to the ground! He is dead! You receive 69,794 (+13,921 learn, +1,014 rp) exp. You get a pile of 2,073 gold. You get a severed tentacle.
holy light spear [ 906 ] A beam of light fires from your eyes DEHISCES (906) a spear plant!! A spear plant falls to the ground! He is dead! You receive 123,038 (+17,392 learn, +1,548 rp) exp. You get a pile of 3,736 gold. You get a spearplant blade.
check man
A crazed hermit can open player quests. A crazed hermit can open or complete at least one quest you have not completed.
A crazed hermit tells you, 'At last! Just give me the tentacles and blades and I'll start working'
You have 120 seconds to give 5 tentacles and 2 spearplant blades to the hermit.
give tentacle, man You give a severed tentacle to a crazed hermit. give tentacle, man You give a severed tentacle to a crazed hermit. give tentacle, man You give a severed tentacle to a crazed hermit. give tentacle, man You give a severed tentacle to a crazed hermit. give tentacle, man You give a severed tentacle to a crazed hermit.
give blade, man
give blade, man
You give a spearplant blade to a crazed hermit. You give a spearplant blade to a crazed hermit.
< emote > A crazed hermit puts the leaves and tencacles in a bowl and begins to grind them to a mash.
A crazed hermit says, 'Ok, this shouldn't hurt one bit.'
A crazed hermit says, 'Thank you very much Doos. I've applied the salve on your body (check "affects"). If you should happen to be in the area just return to me with 5
tentacles and 2 spearplant blades and I'll make you another mixture.'
Note: This quest NPC has given you a quest lock affect, see 'help affect: quest lock'.
A crazed hermit reward experience: +60,000,000 (learn curve: 3,909,397, role-play: 600,318) experience!
You have completed a quest (type quests completed for more details). To see if this quest NPC has more quests, type: check <NPC name>.
check man
A crazed hermit can open player quests. You have completed all the quests this NPC can open or complete. Note: you should check this NPC for new quests from time to time.
check man
A crazed hermit can open player quests. You have completed all the quests this NPC can open or complete. Note: you should check this NPC for new quests from time to time.