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Race Description[edit]


"The Ryven, referred to in the elven tongue as the "blue roots", are humanoids of fairly average stature and exceptional spiritual presence. In a single Ryven individual, the hair and the skin are always the same shade of blue for the lifetime of that being; however, the race itself appears in various shades of blue, with males tending toward a deeper sapphire color and females often displaying an almost greenish teal. The shorter, stouter representatives of the race seem to be hailed as nobility, while the taller, leaner Ryven make up the general populace.

In terms of sheer strength, the Ryven are perhaps unmatched throughout the varied races of the Nodekian realm. Their muscle and sinew is not simple physical potency, however, but in their unique aptitude at combining their material strength with their spiritual fortitude.

Through this amalgamation of talents, the Ryven have developed a myriad of defensive feats - regenerating their health and endurance at miraculous rates, steeling their skin to deflect hammer and blade harmlessly, and even binding an opponent to prevent their attacks with nothing more than the power of their mind and spirit.

Spiritual power aside, While the Ryven may not be as massive or strong of limb as the Troll or the Weretiger, they are no weaklings either. Their slow, patient style of combat incorporates a style of weaponless attack that can inflict devastating damage between their bludgeons and slashes."

Quoted from in-game description, new character generation. Copyright (c) Nodeka, LLC.

Racial Bonuses[edit]

 [ Selected Race   ]:  Ryven 

 [ Race Lineage    ] - Ryven, Kor Ryven, Ryfe

 [ Modifier Types  ] - strength +10       - constitution +19   - dexterity +10      
                     - wisdom +10         - willpower +19      - health +400        
                     - spirit +400        - endurance +820     - nat resist +7      
                     - damage +1          - hit +3             
 [ Special Types   ] - anti-offensive tactics 5% 
                     - continuous physical regeneration 20% 
 [ Resistance +/-  ] - physical invulnerability 3% 
                     - magical resistance 15% 
                     - mental resistance 15% 
 [ Attack Types    ] - armed with - quickened attack 29% 
                     - armed with - sweeping kick 4%

Complementary Classes[edit]

Classes that pair well with the mortal race, Ryven are:

  • Potential Class

Racial Progression[edit]
