In-Game Explanation
One feature that's related to quests, but is not directly within the confines of quests is MORALITY. Each player character (PC) has morality. Morality affects the way the world of Nodeka interacts with you. Morality is defined by what are known as "Morality Quests" on Nodeka. When you participate in a morality quest, you choose what the outcome is. This makes morality quests different than normal quests. In normal quests, the outcome is predetermined by the quest, only one acceptable completion of the quest is possible. In morality quests, you choose how the quest ends and thus YOU control the way your character is developed. Thus, YOU determine how the Nodekian realm will react to you.
- Valkyrie Master, Mejath
Morality: The morality command displays the user's morality. Usage: morality Usage: morality <target> What is morality? Morality is your current moral disposition based on decisions made in prior morality quests. Each individual's morality falls into one of the four following categories: impartial (has no lean) moral (has a moral lean) immoral (has an immoral lean) true impartial (has chosen impartial lean) Morality is the direct consequence of a player's decision in quest scenarios. Morality is different than alignment. Alignment is the consequence of killing an NPC, based on the NPC's alignment. Morality is the consequence of a quest action which has both moral and immoral choices. Unlike alignment situations, morality situations always present the player with several choices allowing the player to hand-grow his or her morality as he or she sees best fit. Due to players being able to hand-grow morality as they choose, morality has a much farther reaching scope than alignment. Be warned - morality decisions are nearly permanent. The choices you make in morality quests will determine how the rest of the world interacts with you. Further help: morality side-effects, morality lean, morality degree, morality aggression
Below you will find a list of actions that affect your Moral Leaning. Action Points are awarded as the result of Morality Quests.
The following is a list actions considered Moral. If you are rewarded a point in one of categories during a morality quest your morality leaning will improve to a Moral Degree.
Compassionate Generous Loyal Righteous Tolerant Courageous Humble Patient Selfless
The following is a list actions considered Immoral. If you are rewarded a point in one of categories during a morality quest your morality leaning will improve to a Immoral Degree.
Deceitful Mercenary Nefarious Sadistic Malicious Merciless Ruinous
From in-game help morality side-effect
Morality side-effects: Having a moral, immoral or true impartial lean has side-effects. Below is the current list of side-effects for morality lean. Note: although this list is fairly concrete, it may occasionally change from time to time. Keep in mind that the role-playing points are not gained when major remorts kill non-remorts, nor when clan members kill other members of their clan. Advantages: Moral - being moral has advantages in several areas: - killing evil aligned NPCs offers great increased experience rewards (see 'help morality experience' for more details) - NPCs with good alignment may sell goods at discounted rates - can participate in moral quests - receives 3 role-playing point when killing immoral players - receives 1 role-playing point when killing impartial players (but double the waiting period before being able to receive rp points again) Immoral - being immoral has advantages in several areas: - killing good aligned NPCs offers increased experience rewards (see 'help morality experience' for more details) - killing evil aligned or neutral aligned NPCs offers slightly increased experience rewards (see 'help morality experience' for more details) - can participate in immoral quests - receives 1 role-playing point when killing immoral players - receives 2 role-playing point when killing impartial players - receives 3 role-playing points when killing moral players True Impartial - chosen impartiality has the following advantages: - can participate in true impartial quests - receives 2 role-playing point when killing any player Impartial - unchosen impartiality has no advantages. Disadvantages: Moral - being moral has disadvantages in several areas: - evil aligned NPCs may attack on sight - killing good aligned NPCs shifts alignment rapidly towards evil Immoral - being immoral has disadvantages is several areas: - good aligned NPCs may attack on sight - increased chances of losing statistics when real dying True Impartial - being true impartial has no disadvantages. Impartial - being impartial has no disadvantages. In addition, if a player has a morality lean, then the player also has a morality degree. The greater the morality degree (see 'help morality degree') the greater the morality side-effects. Note: when receiving a role-playing point for player killing, there is a delay of XXX minutes before additional role-playing points can be gained. See "preventions" after receiving a role-playing point to see what the current duration is.