UMC Changelog

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Revision as of 20:56, 2 October 2022 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Uda's Mud Client, or UMC has been the de facto standard client for playing Nodeka since the late 2000s, taking over after JMC fell out of favor. Below is a list of the entire known changelog in it's original form when quoted, barring any typos or in rare cases, the shifting of lines to fit MediaWiki formatting. Any commentary will not be in the code block.


The changelogs by time, in reverse order are below. See UMC for more details on the client itself.



v1.24.0 - 22/Aug/2016 (NOTICE) OSX has deprecated JRE v1.6 which the previous OSX bundle was based on.

  • To use UMC on OSX download the multi-platform version and double-click the umc.jar file from Finder.
  • (Fix) Topmudsites voting has been updated. (New) OSX dock icon



v1.23.4 - 12/Jul/2014

  • (New) #var autospeedwalk <0/1> to toggle automatically prefixing directions with the Nodeka "speedwalk" command.

v1.23.3 - 2/Jul/2014

v1.23.2 - 29/Jan/2014

  • (New) Clickable URLs

v1.22.12 - 20/Jan/2014

  • (Fix) Layout is no longer lost on exit.

v1.22.11 - 4/Jan/2014

  • (New) #EMAIL to send an email.
  • (Fix) Output At Top option now saves it's state correctly.



v1.22.9 - 5/Apr/2013

  • (Fix) Google App Engine has moved to using chunked-encoding for block downloads. RPC code changed to stay compatible.

v1.22.8 - 28/Mar/2013

  • (Update) #GREP now supports matching in the capture window.
  • (Update) #AFK has been changed to only act as a disable toggle. To control whether afk protection is enabled the variable afkprotection is * now used. A value of 1 is enabled, unset or 0 is disabled.
    • Ex, #var afkprotection 1
    • To go AFK within Nodeka use the in-game 'afk' command

v1.22.7 - 07/Jan/2013

  • (Fix) Referer header in vote request.



v1.22.6 - 16/Nov/2012

  • (Fix) #AFK state tracking fixed. Will now correctly block network events. (Update) Rates counter has been updated to support the new follower exp bonus.

v1.22.4 - 01/Nov/2012

  • (Fix) Invalid URL in update bar.
  • (Update) Vote text reworded to mention

v1.22.3 - 01/Nov/2012

  • (Update) The input field now allows for CTRL+SHIFT+VK_LEFT to do word selection.
  • (Update) #COPY now supports a second argument to specific a file for output.
    • #COPY - copies the scrollback direct to clipboard
    • #COPY <filename> - copies the scrollback to the specified file (overwriting)
  • (New) #GREP to search the scrollback for a matching pattern (REGEX only). All results are copied into the system clipboard.
    • #GREP {^You land \[ \d+ of \d+ \] attacks}

v1.22.2 - 20/Oct/2012

  • (New) Nodeka one click vote and reminder. Configurable under the Options menu.

v1.22.1 - 15/Oct/2012

  • (Fix) #TIMER now shows plugin/javascript based timers.
  • (New) $TIMER variable which returns the remaining seconds of a timer. Ex, $TIMER[MyTimer]
  • (New) ScriptInterface has two additional functions:
    • getTimerRemaining(String timerID) -- returns 100ms units remaining
    • getTimerRemainingSeconds(String timerID) -- returns seconds remaining

v1.22.0 - 5/Sep/2012

  • (Update) UMC Item Database now tracks gold value. (Note: this will only show on items recently identified)
  • (Update) $UMC_ROOM is populated with the current room title when compact exits are enabled.
  • (Fix) Removed problematic locking from the command parser.

v1.21.5 - 30/Aug/2012

  • (Fix) Non-regex #ACTION patterns fail when matching against '?'.
  • (Fix) Plugin based setTimer()'s default loop setting incorrectly set to false.

v1.21.3 - 27/Aug/2012

  • (Update) The ScriptInterface object setTimer() function now supports the loop parameter.
  • (Fix) Potential dead-lock with command parser triggered by scripts.

v1.21.1 - 18/Jul/2012

  • (Update) Botchecks now stored in variable UMC_BOTCHECK

v1.21.0 - 17/Jul/2012

v1.20.1 - 12/Feb/2012

  • (Fix) #MATH has been updated to correctly handle subtraction under certain circumstances. For example with the expression, "10-5", -5 was treated as a negative numeric value whereas it should be the - operator along with a positive numeric value of 5.

v1.20.0 - 09/Feb/2012

  • (Fix) Identify output change from "Attributes" to "Requires". There may be some items in the database with missing "requires" data, but will self heal as items are identified. (Update) Support for Java SE 7
  • (Update) New version of the Invasion Plugin v1.1 due to server side changes for tracking Ruushi Invasion state.
