Experience points, commonly abbreviated as "xp" or "exp" is a unit of skill gained for character advancement, by way of climbing a ladder of levels. Advancing, or in Nodekian terms, "gaining" to the next level requires a fixed amount of experience points which is determined by a formula and viewable with the command levels
Gaining experience levels gives tangible benefits: increased stats, inventory slots, pools, and more. Gaining levels allows players to take on greater challenges. The primary way of gaining experience is from killing mobs, other PC, or completing quests. Additional ways of gaining experiences comes from running with lower-leveled and significantly rank players, participating in The Citadel competitions, and role-play.
The current experience cap is 2 billion, up from 1 billion when Nodeka originally launched. There is no "rested experience" like in some RPGs/MMOs, rather a system of "run-time" is used: the first hour of every 24-hour period is given at 300% experience; the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hours give 150% experience, and then 100% until hour 9. After that, there are penalties for running, with subsequent hours giving 50%, 25%, and all the way down to 5%. After the run-time prevention runs down (or is reset using a glacious stone), a new "day" starts, giving the full bonus before ticking down again. This system was implemented to help curb botting.
Experience to Level[edit]
Each level requires a certain amount of experience before a player can voluntarily gain
a level and all of the benefits which come with it. The amount of experience to the next level is pre-determined and increases as you gain remort tiers. There was one major level re-balancing, during the player wipe period, where the required experience to level was greatly increased.
Mortal Experience Ladder[edit]
[ early levels data missing ] 18: 945,000 19: 1,050,000 20: 1,155,000 21: 2,100,000 22: 3,150,000 23: 4,200,000 24: 5,250,000 25: 6,300,000 26: 7,350,000 27: 8,400,000 28: 9,450,000 29: 10,500,000 30: 11,550,000 31: 21,000,000 32: 31,500,000 33: 42,000,000 34: 52,500,000 35: 63,000,000 36: 73,500,000 37: 84,000,000 38: 94,500,000 39: 105,000,000 40: 115,500,000 41: 116,400,000 42: 122,100,000 43: 127,800,000 44: 133,500,000 45: 139,200,000 46: 144,900,000 47: 150,600,000 48: 156,300,000 49: 162,000,000 50: 167,700,000 51: 173,400,000 52: 179,100,000 53: 184,800,000 54: 190,500,000 55: 196,200,000 56: 201,900,000 57: 207,600,000 58: 213,300,000 59: 219,000,000 60: 224,700,000 61: 230,400,000 62: 236,100,000 63: 241,800,000 64: 247,500,000 65: 253,200,000 66: 258,900,000 67: 264,600,000 68: 270,300,000 69: 276,000,000 70: 281,700,000 71: 287,400,000 72: 293,100,000 73: 298,800,000 74: 304,500,000 75: 310,200,000 76: 315,900,000 77: 321,600,000 78: 327,300,000 79: 333,000,000 80: 338,700,000 81: 344,400,000 82: 350,100,000 83: 355,800,000 84: 361,500,000 85: 367,200,000 86: 372,900,000 87: 378,600,000 88: 384,300,000 89: 390,000,000 90: 395,700,000 91: 401,400,000 92: 407,100,000 93: 412,800,000 94: 418,500,000 95: 424,200,000 96: 429,900,000 97: 435,600,000 98: 441,300,000 99: 447,000,000 100: 452,700,000
Minor Remortal Experience Ladder[edit]
1: 37,800 2: 75,600 3: 113,400 4: 151,200 5: 189,000 6: 226,800 7: 264,600 8: 302,400 9: 340,200 10: 378,000 11: 756,000 12: 1,134,000 13: 1,512,000 14: 1,890,000 15: 2,268,000 16: 2,646,000 17: 3,024,000 18: 3,402,000 19: 3,780,000 20: 4,158,000 21: 7,560,000 22: 11,340,000 23: 15,120,000 24: 18,900,000 25: 22,680,000 26: 26,460,000 27: 30,240,000 28: 34,020,000 29: 37,800,000 30: 41,580,000 31: 75,600,000 32: 113,400,000 33: 151,200,000 34: 189,000,000 35: 226,800,000 36: 264,600,000 37: 302,400,000 38: 340,200,000 39: 378,000,000 40: 415,800,000 41: 399,000,000 42: 409,500,000 43: 420,000,000 44: 430,500,000 45: 441,000,000 46: 451,500,000 47: 462,000,000 48: 472,500,000 49: 483,000,000 50: 493,500,000 51: 504,000,000 52: 514,500,000 53: 525,000,000 54: 535,500,000 55: 546,000,000 56: 556,500,000 57: 567,000,000 58: 577,500,000 59: 588,000,000 60: 598,500,000 61: 609,000,000 62: 619,500,000 63: 630,000,000 64: 640,500,000 65: 651,000,000 66: 661,500,000 67: 672,000,000 68: 682,500,000 69: 693,000,000 70: 703,500,000 71: 714,000,000 72: 724,500,000 73: 735,000,000 74: 745,500,000 75: 756,000,000 76: 766,500,000 77: 777,000,000 78: 787,500,000 79: 798,000,000 80: 808,500,000 81: 819,000,000 82: 829,500,000 83: 840,000,000 84: 850,500,000 85: 861,000,000 86: 871,500,000 87: 882,000,000 88: 892,500,000 89: 903,000,000 90: 913,500,000 91: 924,000,000 92: 934,500,000 93: 945,000,000 94: 955,500,000 95: 966,000,000 96: 976,500,000 97: 987,000,000 98: 997,500,000 99: 1,008,000,000 100: 1,018,500,000
Major Remortal Experience Ladder[edit]
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: 46: 47: 48: 49: 50: 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: 57: 58: 59: 60: 61: 62: 63: 64: 65: 66: 67: 68: 69: 70: 71: 72: 73: 74: 75: 76: 77: 78: 79: 80: 81: 82: 83: 84: 85: 86: 87: 88: 89: 90: 91: 92: 93: 94: 95: 96: 97: 98: 99: 100: