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Elsa is a shopkeeper in Aur-Vindi.


Mob string:

Her face buried in a dusty tome, Elsa is almost hidden from view by the random items that clutter her desk.


Elsa, the arcanist is a human:
A young, round-faced woman with chestnut-colored hair, Elsa spends all of
her free time delving into her collection of manuscripts and tomes,
researching the histories of the strange artifacts and trinkets that she
buys off of travelling [sic] adventurers.
   Left Weapon            rugged hand
   Right Weapon           rugged hand
Elsa, the arcanist's health: perfect condition.

Score Sheet[edit]


For Sale[edit]

 Elsa, the arcanist shows you her list of purchasable goods: 
 (yellow: usable, red: unusable)

   Type 'list <keywords>, rand' to verify your purchase          
   a jade band of stoneskin              Cost:  13,939,116

   a karagh skull                        Cost:  12,150,002
   a crystal band of protection          Cost:  19,295,259     
   a totem of Jidar                      Cost:  15,937,502

   charred bone loops                    Cost:  15,062,875

   a demon rattle                        Cost:  16,126,509

Other Information and History[edit]

(Other information, secrets, or things can go here.)

  • Location: Elsa's Arcana in northwest Aur-Vindi
    • In the northwest corner of Aur-Vindi, off of Weatherwick Lane, a door opening east into a 2-room storefront.
    • Room: Elsa's Arcana
  • Added to Nodeka: Unknown
  • Update History:
    • Unknown
