Randolph Bouldersmasher, fellowcraft

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Randolph is a blacksmith and shopkeeper.


Mob string:

Randolph Bouldersmasher is seen here studying every move of his master.


Randolph Bouldersmasher, fellowcraft is a ryven:
A fairly young dwarf, not even with a full beard yet, and an inordinate
love for Chester, Randolph serves his master with loyalty, determination,
and quite a bit of zeal (sometimes to the dismay and slight injury of his
fellow soldiers).
   Left Weapon            calloused hand
   Right Weapon           calloused hand
Randolph Bouldersmasher, fellowcraft's health: perfect condition.

Score Sheet


For Sale

 Randolph Bouldersmasher, fellowcraft shows you his list of purchasable goods: 
 (yellow: usable, red: unusable)
   Type 'list <keywords>, rand' to verify your purchase          
   a mithril-forged javelin                 Cost:  45,002        
   Keywords: javelin mithril-forged         Stock: 18             
   a rod of the light                       Cost:  112,500,002   
   Keywords: light of rod the               Stock: 1              
   a rounded pebble                         Cost:  45,002        
   Keywords: pebble rounded                 Stock: 20             
   an angelic rattle                        Cost:  112,500,002   
   Keywords: angelic rattle                 Stock: 1              

Other Information and History

(Other information, secrets, or things can go here.)

  • Added to Nodeka: Unknown
  • Update History:
    • Unknown