Target is a useful skill when searching for a particular mob, loader, or player. By typing target <name of mob or player>, if the target you are seeking is within your range it will become a pink "@" on your map. This makes the target you have set easier to spot on the overhead map.
From "help target:"
Target: Usage: target - If no target is set, the syntax for setting a target will be shown. - If a target has been set, it'll show you who your target currently is. Usage: target <name of mob/pc>
Targetting allows you to specify a target for ranged attacks. When setting a target, you must be within line of sight of the target. If you are planning on targetting a specific mob in an area that has a multitude of mobs with the same name it is suggested you go to the room the mob is in you wish to target and target the mob from there.
Once a PC/mob is targetted, you will stay targetting them until they have left Nodeka or have been killed.