Text Art

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Upon connecting to Nodeka, you're shown one of four title screens done in ASCII art. It's not known who designed these.

Graphical Versions

Ascii-title-art-0.png Ascii-title-art-1.png Ascii-title-art-2.png Ascii-title-art-3.png

Plain Text Versions

   .     .                          .                         .
                 .            .             |           .
     |                  .                - <*> -   .
  - <*> -                       .           |              .
     |     /|    / /                 /               
          //|   / /  ___      ____  /  _____   // / /     ___    
    .    // |  / / //   ) ) //   / / //___) ) // / /    //   ) ) .
        //  | / / //   / / //   / / //       //  \ \   //   / /  
  .    //   |/ / ((___/ / ((___/ / ((___/ / //    \ \ ((___( (   
             .            .     .         . (c) 1999-2018 Nodeka, LLC.
      "Crossroad                     .      .       - <*> -  
   .    to a thousand .     .                      .   |           .
          journeys"                        .      .            .
           .              .   

            ****                                  ****
            ****                                      ****
            ***          **                ***         ***
  ++    ++  ***   +++++   ****++++     ++++***  ++   ++***    ++
  +++   ++  *** ++  +  ++  ****** ++   ++ ***+  ++  ++ ***   ++++
  ++++  ++  ***++   +   ++  *** ***++  ++***    ++ ++  ***  ++  ++
  ++ ++ ++  ***+++++++++++  +***  ***  +***+    ++++   *** ++    ++
  ++  ++++  ***++   +   ++  ++**   +***+**      ++ ++  ***++++++++++
  ++   +++  *** ++  +  ++   ++ ** ++ ****+  ++  ++  ++ ***++      ++
  ++    ++  ***   +++++     ++++*++   **++++++  ++   ++***++      ++
            ***                  *    *                ***
            ***                   *                    ***
            ****                                      ****
            **** (c) 1999-2018 Nodeka, LLC.       ****
