Remort Tiers
A player's "remortal status" refers to one of three tiers: non-remortal, first remortal, or second remortal; these are commonly called "mortal," "minor remort," and "major remort." Each tier has 100 levels, and when you remort into the next tier, you start off at level 1. This effectively gives each character 300 "levels" to progress through; note that at each tier, the experience requirements greatly increase!

Non-remort, or mortal characters can only be base class and base races. All new characters created start as a non-remort and must progress through. There are some items that only mortal characters can wear, but they aren't as powerful as what the next two remort tiers can achieve. There are also "off-limits" areas, like Aur-Vindi, which weren't created for mortals.
Benefits of non-remort:
- Quickly levels while running, and even faster as a groupie.
- Easy to see quick progression
- Lots of early quests
- Experience table to gain levels will grow in difficulty
- As a non-remort, you have the option to stay non-player-killable
- Not as many character customization options as a major remort
- The majority of areas were created with minor or major remorts in mind
- Low-to-no practices and percents in your skills and spells
What to look forward to:
- A second tier of skills, spells, and racial abilities
- More equipment options
- More reliable and better area options available for running
Minor Remort

As a minor remort, the world becomes a little easier.
Benefits of minor remort:
- More item and equpiment options available
- Race and class progression, leading to better racial abilities and more skills and spells
- Experience table to gain levels will grow in difficulty
- As a minor remort, you have the option to stay non-player-killable
- Not as many options as a major remort regarding
What to look forward to:
- Subclass specializations
- More equipment options
Major Remort

This is the "final" tier of character progression. At the end of major remort progression, your character effectively puts you as a level 300 character with a powerful race and unique sub-class.
Benefits of minor remort:
- More item and equpiment options available
- Race and class progression, leading to better racial abilities and more skills and spells
- Experience table to gain levels will grow in difficulty
- As a minor remort, you have the option to stay non-player-killable
- Not as many options as a major remort regarding
What to look forward to:
- Subclass specializations
- More equipment options
Help File
Looking at "help remort" shows a little more info:
Usage: remort (shows list of available options) Usage: remort <number> (attempts to remort into option listed) Example: remort (lists remort options) remort 1 (chooses option #1) remort 3 (chooses option #3) Remorting allows you to increase your power in race and class. There are two remorts: minor and major. Minor remorting (which must always come first) costs 10,000 platinum and all of your experience (you need at least 500 million xp). Major remorting (only possible after minor remorting) costs 20,000 platinum and all of your experience (you need at least 1 billion xp). Remorting offers improved stats, health, magical ability, new skills or spells and permanent improvements in racial abilities. Also, the cost of enhancing/training stats decreases as you remort. When remorting, you will be dropped back to level one and you will lose some of your class bonuses gained from leveling, such as stats (dex, str), hit points, mana, spirit, and endurance. However, you will *not* lose any enhancements or trains, and any bonuses on hit points, mana, spirit or endurance. By the time you reach level 100 again, you will be bigger, stronger, and much more powerful. Note, you will *never* lose enhancements/trains from remorting. Important: No donation is required for either minor or major remorting.