Army of Darkness (Clan)

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Status: Active

Evil is a post-wipe clan headed by Vellum. It's currently one of the more active clans, with multiple members online at any given time.

As of September 2020, the clan sheet (display clan <clan name>) looks like this:

[ Clan Name ]: Evil
[ Long Name ]: Army of Darkness                        

[    Leader ]: Vellum    
[ Co-Leader ]: Lakshmi   
[   Advisor ]:           

[   Members ]: 

     (1) Atek
     (2) Bombadil
     (3) Holy
     (4) Idrial
     (5) Lakshmi
     (6) Odyssey
     (7) Sly
     (8) Valor
     (9) Vellum

Clan Stats:

Clan Halls[edit]

The Evil clan hall is located on <continent>.

Area Name: <chall name>
