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Pages in category "Weapons"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 572 total.
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- A balanced hunting spear
- A bamboo sword
- A barbed quarterstaff
- A barbed short sword
- A battered copper short sword
- A Bayeshi guard's sword
- A befouled fleshrender
- A berserker's battle-axe
- A black staff of the misty magi
- A black-enamelled broadsword
- A blood-stained dagger
- A blue dragon's tooth
- A blue steel blade
- A bread knife
- A broad falchion
- A charred warhammer
- A chipped steel cleaver
- A circular blade
- A copper axe
- A copper morningstar
- A cracked buck antler
- A cracked hunter's knife
- A crafted test stick
- A crude stone axe
- A curved dueling sabre
- A curved razor-sharp knife
- A cypress staff
- A D'nari claw
- A demon rattle
- A Derkai dagger
- A double-edged sabre
- A dragon-hunter's blade
- A dragontongue trident
- A drow blade
- A dulled training sword
- A field knife
- A filthy dagger
- A flaming wand
- A flaming whip
- A folding rogue's blade
- A folding silk fan
- A gilded longsword
- A glass longsword
- A gleaming Derkai kris
- A gleaming scimitar
- A gold-hilted cutlass
- A great Klieard'n whale's tooth
- A greatsword of serrated bone
- A grey steel blade
- A halberd radiating with magic
- A heavy orcish pike
- A heavy steel flail
- A hoe
- A humming oak staff
- A javelin of lightning
- A knotted whip
- A large fighting knife
- A light warhammer
- A long silver bow
- A long wooden bow
- A long, wickedly curved knife
- A long-pommeled broadsword
- A mace of destruction
- A miner's pick
- A mithril broadsword
- A mountain axe
- A neko-te
- A ninja-to
- A nomad's taming whip
- A non-permanent quest short blade
- A notched Vl'lakian fauchard
- A poison-spiked morningstar
- A poisoned cat-o-nine-tails
- A polished broadsword
- A quarterstaff of bone
- A quill pen
- A razor-sharp katana
- A red dragon's tooth
- A red-steel mace
- A remortal's blade of slicing
- A rod of the light
- A ruby rapier
- A rune-covered staff
- A runesword of Bule
- A rusted short sword
- A rusty knife
- A ryven battle-axe
- A sacrificial knife
- A scarred axe of transgression
- A scepter of mischief
- A scythe of life
- A serrated hand-axe
- A set of iron flesh-hooks
- A severed tentacle
- A shadow string bow
- A sharp chisel
- A sharp dirk
- A shining sai
- A short wooden bow
- A shovel
- A silver athame
- A silver rod of striking
- A simple hammer
- A slender longsword
- A small hatchet
- A small silver dagger
- A small wooden sword
- A snake-staff
- A spearplant blade
- A spectral spear
- A spiked club
- A spiked ixtha hand-plate
- A split leather whip
- A staff of wormwood
- A steel dueling lance
- A vorpal blade
- A warped spear
- A watchman's pike
- A whalebone battle spear
- A wicked half-moon axe
- A wooden bo staff
- A wooden club
- A wooden rolling pin
- A wooden sign
- A wyvernbone katar
- A zembori machete
- An angelic rattle
- An angelic scepter
- An ant's severed mandible
- An ashen steel battle-axe
- An ashen steel longsword
- An ashen steel shortsword
- An ashen steel warhammer
- An enchanted dagger
- An enchanted oak staff
- An ethereal sword
- An ice blade
- An ironwood walking staff
- An ixtha elbow spike
- An old man's gnarled staff
- An orcish battle-spear
- An ornate piranha tooth rapier
- Cogline's staff of destruction
- Crafted: a banded scourge
- Crafted: a ceremonial truncheon
- Crafted: a chevalier's cleaver
- Crafted: a chronolithic half-moon axe of sphinx's resolve
- Crafted: a composite cleaver
- Crafted: a cross-hatched branch of mindwall
- Crafted: a crude ashen branch
- Crafted: a crude austere cane
- Crafted: a crude ebon broadsword
- Crafted: a crude ebon cane
- Crafted: a crude ebon scourge
- Crafted: a crude emblematic branch
- Crafted: a crude emblematic javelin
- Crafted: a crude emblematic scepter
- Crafted: a crude engraved scepter
- Crafted: a crude etched javelin
- Crafted: a crude flecked truncheon
- Crafted: a crude lambent scepter
- Crafted: a crude lustrous branch
- Crafted: a crude pallid scepter
- Crafted: a crude phosphoric javelin
- Crafted: a crude phosphoric scepter
- Crafted: a crude reinforced truncheon
- Crafted: a crude rough quarterstaff
- Crafted: a crude rough rapier
- Crafted: a crude scarlet quarterstaff
- Crafted: a crude scarlet rapier
- Crafted: a crude scoured truncheon
- Crafted: a crude trader's quarterstaff
- Crafted: a crude trimmed scourge
- Crafted: a deific half-moon axe of the Faithful
- Crafted: a diabolic wand
- Crafted: a diabolic wand of premeditation
- Crafted: a durable amber truncheon
- Crafted: a durable ashen branch
- Crafted: a durable ashen javelin
- Crafted: a durable ceremonial truncheon
- Crafted: a durable earth-toned quarterstaff
- Crafted: a durable earth-toned rapier
- Crafted: a durable earth-toned truncheon
- Crafted: a durable ebon broadsword
- Crafted: a durable ebon cane
- Crafted: a durable ebon scourge
- Crafted: a durable emblematic branch
- Crafted: a durable emblematic javelin
- Crafted: a durable emblematic scepter
- Crafted: a durable engraved scepter
- Crafted: a durable etched branch
- Crafted: a durable etched javelin
- Crafted: a durable featherlight broadsword
- Crafted: a durable featherlight scourge
- Crafted: a durable filigreed scepter
- Crafted: a durable flecked quarterstaff
- Crafted: a durable flecked rapier
- Crafted: a durable flecked truncheon
- Crafted: a durable intricate branch
- Crafted: a durable intricate javelin