Ciphers List

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Below is an alphabetical list of ciphers, as of August 17, 2021.


cyclopean riddle

An in-game screenshot of the cipher info
Ciphers ( cyclopean riddle ):

The cipher of the cyclopean riddle is, at its heart, an enigma still unsolved.

Those who possess this cipher are occasionally granted access to certain auras
which cannot normally be raised with 'empower'.

Whenever the bearer of this cipher fails in an attempt to raise an aura via
the 'empower' command, there is a possibility that she will instead be able
to access one of these tangential auras. While these fringe auras cannot be
inscribed onto abilities (as far as is commonly known), they do provide the
user with the combat benefits inherent in aura-based combat.

Increased tiers in this cipher improve the chance of accessing a fringe aura.

magi's remembrance

An in-game screenshot of the cipher info
Ciphers ( magi's remembrance ):

The cipher of the magi's remembrance is an understanding of stability.

Those who possess this cipher are granted an increase in the duration
of their auras. This extends to auras which are refreshed through
shifting as well as auras newly raised via empower.

The bearer of this cipher can maintain an aura for much longer periods
than most other beings, thereby granting her extended access to the
benefits of aura-based combat. Masters of the magi's remembrance can
hold an aura for far longer than any neophyte.

Increased tiers in this cipher improves the duration benefits granted.

ogrish malison

An in-game screenshot of the cipher info
Ciphers ( ogrish malison ):

The cipher of the ogrish malison is an understanding of blasphemy and

Those who possess this cipher are granted an enhanced understanding of
aura-based combat.

The bearer of this cipher enjoys a strong enhancement of the natural 
combat benefits of an active aura. In addition, the bearer of the
malison will enjoy even greater combat enhancements against any
opponent whose health exceeds his own.

Masters of the ogrish malison can strongly
alter the course of combat through the raising of an aura, especially
against powerful opponents.

Increased tiers in this cipher improve the combat benefits granted.
