Quest: Ruushi : Weeland

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For Nodeka questers, this quest is a great introduction into the possible length and breadth of what a good quest has to offer.

Meeting Weeland[edit]

As you're walking around the streets of Ruushi, you may notice a quest mob in the NW corner of Talmak Way (the east-west street), near the intersection with Ushaa Road (the north-south street).

Here's the room he's in:

Weeland's Hangout ( safe ) [ exits: south ]
The mercenary Weeland has overtaken this joint as his own. This 
place is falling
apart. Broken glass is strewn across the ground and scratchings of 
cover the walls. This place is a major wreck.

There he is:

Weeland paces back and forth here debating with himself.

When you quest check him, you'll get the following:

Weeland can open player quests. 
Weeland can open or complete at least one quest you have not completed.

Weeland tells you, 'Leave me alone or you will regret it little one.'

   Turning away from you, Weeland breaks down and you hear him begin to cry. 
   Sobbing now Weeland turns to you and says "I'm so sorry Doos, you must 
   forgive me. I am not what I used to be. Perhaps you could help me out. 
   You see I am a mercenary and have been given a... job if you will."

   Weeland rocks back looking past your shoulder as if he suddenly fears 
   someone else is listening.

   "If you would be willing to help me through this job I would be willing to 
   reward you for your time. Here is the information I was given about the 

   Weeland hands you a slip of parchment that reads:

   "The following information is for you only, Weeland. Should you be caught 
   or killed during your assignment we will kill your family and your 
   friends. In the Khan-Lith road you will find a beggar by the name of 
   Karuth. This man has something of value to us that we wish to retrieve 
   quickly. Kill Karuth and bring the item to me. You must verify the 
   beggar's name before killing him. I would suggest a polite conversation 
   before dismembering him."

   Please Doos, help me out here and I promise you a weapon worthy of the 
   greatest warrior ever to walk these lands.

You have opened a quest (type quests open for more details).

The task is simple! Kill Karuth, and get the item to Weeland.

Killing Karuth[edit]

Using your quests log, you get clued in on a few more pertinent details:

 Ruushi : Weeland
  1 - Weeland has asked you to help him by killing a beggar named Karuth 
  somewhere on the Khan-Lith road. While the prospect of Weeland's 
  reward is very tempting you can't help but feel that Weeland has a 
  different agenda and that looks are not all what they may seem 
  when it comes to this aging mercenary.

  Weeland's assignment reads as follows:

  "The following information is for you only, Weeland. Should you be 
  caught or killed during your assignment we will kill your family 
  and your friends. In the Khan-Lith road you will find a beggar by 
  the name of Karuth. This man has something of value to us that we 
  wish to retrieve quickly. Kill Karuth and bring the item to me. 
  You must verify the beggar's name before killing him. I would 
  suggest a polite conversation before dismembering him."

  Remember that you must talk with the beggar first before 
  dispatching him in order to verify his identity.

You have to get to Khan-Lith, find where he is, and then kill him.
