Inscriptions: Difference between revisions

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     example: help [[inscriptions visit]]
     example: help [[inscriptions visit]]
     example: help [[inscriptions cyclopean riddle]]
     example: help [[inscriptions cyclopean riddle]]
== Development History ==

== Categories ==
== Categories ==
[[Category:Inscriptions and Ciphers]]
[[Category:Inscriptions and Ciphers]]

Revision as of 19:29, 17 August 2021


An inscription is a "special talent" that can be used to develop a PC further beyond what is typical.

Help File

From the in-game help file:

Inscriptions and ciphers:

Inscriptions and ciphers are special talents, available to players
of any size. These talents are used to customize your character's
abilities in unique ways.

You can view your customizations, or those of another player, with
the 'inscriptions' command. Doing so will display the following:

[ Inscriptions: Whim ]
[ used: (10/11)  current aura: no aura ]

                          fireball  -+-  zmo ra
                            cleave  -+-  yd
           cipher: saintlight oath  -+-  tier 3

In the above example, Whim has learned two fireball inscriptions
(zmo and ra), one cleave inscription (yd), and two tiers of the
'saintlight oath' cipher. These customizations have used up 10 of
his 11 inscription points.

See the following helpfiles for further information:

'help inscription details': For more detailed discussion.
'help inscription list': Lists every inscription and cipher
                         which currently exists in Nodeka.


The following list contains every inscription and cipher currently available on Nodeka:



The in-game help file for "inscriptions list" also

For detailed information on each inscription and cipher (including 
its effects and where it can be obtained), type:
'help inscriptions <ability or cipher name>'
   example: help inscriptions visit
   example: help inscriptions cyclopean riddle

Development History

