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Revision as of 20:57, 12 September 2020 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Nodeka is still under relatively active development. Below is a list of the entire known changelog.

== 2020 ==



There are currently no updates or MOTDs posted for 2020.



Total updates: 5

  Update 4/27/2019:

  - Reign of spirit is now trainable beyond 100%.

  Update 4/21/2019:

  - Summoning of the grey has been improved slightly such that the follower
    created by it has slightly improved stats.

  Update 4/7/2019:

  - The shielded aylakia run time decrement bug has been fixed.

  - The hyper-unique period has ended and a new double gold, exp, stones event
    has begun!

  Update 2/16/2019:

  - Hyper-unique period through the end of March. During this time all 
    donations reward 3x infuscated marbles.

  Update 1/5/2019:

  - Nodeka is moving on January 11th! As such, Nodeka may be down for a few
    days from Jan. 11th - Jan. 18th while we re-establish our IPs and DNS.

    For updates, check

    We likely will have the non-bound DNS IP address the day of the move, which
    you'll be able to connect to directly. Check the above website for details.



Total updates: 9

  Update 7/1/2018:

  - Natural attunement has additional benefits and has notable strength in
    training beyond 100%.

  Update 6/23/2018:

  - Super summer deal! 
    For two weeks only (6/23 - 7/7), all donations will receive 3x stones!
    In addition, any character who maxes out in donations for either June or
    July donations while the 3x stones is active, will receive an extra 1x
    on all stones (a total value of 4x stones!).

    Lastly, gem costs are at a reduced rate *and* one character will be selected
    at random each day during this event period and receive a random number of 
    additional gems up to 1,000!

  Update 5/11/2018:

  - Change in 2x damage: now it only applies to PCs and their NPC followers.
    That is, NPCs no longer do 2x damage.

  Update 4/16/2018:

  - Improved race: oji-oem - keepers of the word.

  Update 4/13/2018:

  - Rune-ring has been improved for beyond 100% training.

  Update 3/25/2018:

  - New feature: when a player has reached the maximum number of augments for
    the first tier, he/she will open up a new set of sun stone modifications that 
    were previously hidden. 
    Although these modifications are permanent, they are extremely costly! Each 
    modification has its own unique base cost, incremental cost, and maximum 
    number of improvements.

    These modifications can be accessed using the normal sun stone command:

            "stones sun" -> list the options for sun stones
      "stones sun, xxxx" -> use stones to improve one of the categories

    However, keep in mind, that until you reach the maximum number of augments 
    for the first tier, they will be hidden and unaccessible to you.

    Good luck!

  Update 3/24/2018:

  - New bifold wizard spell: wizard's violence

  Update 3/23/2018:

  - New event from 3/23 - 5/1: 
      - 3x gold on mobs, 3x platinum on donations

  - Conjure deity has been improved to include consideration of the user's 

  - Red robes of the mjol has notably reduced prevention time and a 
    significant boost in caster-based bonuses and increased randomization

  Update 1/11/2018:

  - New event from 1/11 - 3/10: 
      - 2x gold, exp, and infuscated marbles (on all donations)
      - Hyper unique items possible on drops and when using marbles
      - Hyper salvage drops



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Total updates: 18

 News 12/24/99:
 - New area: Kobolds! (hail Forge and his great work!)
 - Newbie school can no longer be entered by remorts
 - New drow remort: Veldruk
 - heitons skills/spells layout modified again
 - Soothing touch can now heal the user as well as followers (help 'sooth')
 - New spell: inosculated crossing (help 'ino cross')
 - Notice: Followers now enter ANYWHERE you can (clan halls, guilds, ect.)
 - 'help news' has been added to review old news you may have missed
 News 12/23/99:
 - Massive speed optimizations (you should immediately notice an improvement)
 News 12/22/99:
 - Nim bug fixed (thanks Soma)
 News 12/20/99:
 - Syntax fixed for retreat and palm (thanks Pin)
 - [[[heitons]] new spell: song of the trees (see 'help song of')
 News 12/19/99:
 - Recall typo fixed
 - Minor bug fix with shield damage/hits (thanks Gambit)
 News 12/18/99:
 - Scan bug fixed (thanks Synn)
 - Hit roll algo has been modified
 - Hit roll on critical attack has been fixed for mob battles
 - Lag on lightning has been shortened
 - Hammer lag on non-action has been fixed (thanks Orson)
 News 12/15/99:
 - Stun like skills are now back to full damage, but retain the lag/battle
   initiative change
 News 12/13/99:
 - Join string for auto-join removed for reduced spam/lag
 - Scan strings externalized/modified
 - Alignment aggros have been completely removed (this may be temporary)
 - heitons skills/spells have been revamped
 - heiton spell: keepers vociferation
 - New e-mail!! (hopefully this'll last):
 - Inventory/items carried bug fixed (thanks Atlas, Jagas, Scarlock)
 - Many fixes to "Increased Mastery..." at incorrect locations
 News 12/13/99:
 - Concentrated attack has been modified (see 'help concentra')
 - Defenders discipline has been modified (see 'help defenders')
 - Focused sphere lag modified (still less than the skill duration)
 - Group follow bug fixed (thanks Zorachus, Sheep, Dwiggs)
 - Identify/understand now costs 10,000 (to keep the spell desired)
 - New Area: The Asylum is in, great job Forge!!!
 News 12/10/99:
 - Fairy, Sylph -> Sylph, Sprite
 - 'P' aliases to 'peripheral' not 'password' (fixed yesterday)
 - Race command will work for partial names anywhere (i.e., race r dra)
 - Undead, Zombie, Liche -> Undead, [[Liche], Liche Lord (thanks Asmo)
 - Fire Derk/Ice Derk racials are now finished
 - Tracks work properly with movement again
 - Lag bug fixed with world map movement
 - Chivalrous Valor now gives greater bonuses on willpower
 - Typo with Ascension of the Templar fixed (thanks Atlas)
 News 12/8/99:
 - Map group/follow bug has been fixed
 - Gedaon is now movement will lag one second
   per move, however all areas are much closer in distance, so your travel
   time will actually be shortened by a great deal.  Peripheral now lags for
   one second as well, instead of three.  The outside world is completely
   visible through peripheral, see 'help peripheral'
 Time for a little exploration...
 - Peripheral can now be used EVERYWHERE!! (only 1 second of lag)
 News 12/5/99:
 - Sight renamed to: 'peripheral vision', see help on 'peripheral'
   See 'help sight' for more information.
   Only these areas have been approved as non-mazes for use with 'sight':
   Ruushi, G'kir, Citadel, Sun Cult, and Vl'lak (more will be added)
 News 12/4/99:
 - Ruushi now has multiple exits to the Continental Highway
 - Enhanced error checking code added, broken mobs/items fixed
 - Internal restructure to streamline PC/NPC stats. A BIG thank you
   to; Dwiggs, Gavial, Godz, Jagas, Moltave, Ramiel, Soma, and Trill for 
   helping test all of the changes.  Great work folks!!
 News 12/3/99:
 - Internal optimizations (command parser is much faster now)
 - Two memory leaks isolated and fixed
 - Sixth sense should now work properly (thanks Gambit)
 News 12/2/99:
 - Modification to the lag algorithm for nim
 - Gargoyles and their remorts have increased in power
 - Gargoyles Fury now is more powerful (twice as much +dam)
 News 12/1/99:
 - Login prevention fixed (it's complicated, don't bother with the details)
 - Check out: and leave a post!
 News 11/?/99:
 - Gold will repop on area repops (to balance out nim)
 - Major memory leak fixed (yay!)
 - Daemon to Daimonikos
 - Archaic Angel to Ancient Angel (Arch Angel racials now visible)
 - New! Nijlo's e-mail:
 - The ':' command now aliases to emote (see 'help :')
 - Minor bug/string fixes (thanks Ryv!)