Race Description[edit]
"Once an exiled clan of fallen elves, banished for consorting with the demons of the Abyss, the Drow no longer acknowledge any tie to the race that some call the Highborn. Having avoided persecution in the safety of the underground for countless ages, the Drow have nonetheless maintained their ties to the natural world, shunning the light and wind of the overworld for the comforting darkness and strength of the foundation beneath. Wherever there is shadow, a Drow may dwell, and it is said that they can even wrap those very shadows around themselves to hide from plain view. At the highest rank of their advancement, the Drow can choose whether to direct their studies toward the mystical arts of the Dark Elves or the combat prowess of the Veldruk; either way, the Drow remains a cunning and dangerous race."
Racial Bonuses[edit]
[ Selected Race ]: Drow [ Race Lineage ] - Drow, Drow of the Blue Blood, Dark Elf / Veldruk [ Modifier Types ] - strength +23 - agility +23 - dexterity +23 - health +150 - spirit +150 - quickness +5 - nat resist +3 - hit +3 [ Special Types ] - cloaked 13% - enhanced physical recuperation 30% - enhanced magical recuperation 30% - undetectable/untravelable by distance magic 29% - lateral deterrence 10% [ Resistance +/- ] - mental resistance 16% [ Attack Types ] - armed with - bonus attack 14% - armed with - bonus attack 14%
Complementary Classes[edit]
Classes that pair well with the mortal race, Drow are:
- Potential Class