Invasion Requisition Gear

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Simply participating in the Invasion is enough to give a chance at being awarded an ordinance scrip as part of the final awards in addition to platinum, Ruushi Faction, and experience. The scrip is given as an affect, and lasts for over 300 days. To turn that scrip into an item, these are the steps you follow:

1. Visit Krijjkar. Head to the Earthly Egress, ue2uw2se from the Temple of Ruushi. Loitering in the room won't do anything, but when you look krijj, you'll see a hint in his description to answer help.

Margrave Krijjkar says, 'Here's the list of commands I can help you with, Doos:'

           answer help:  View this list of commands.
      answer accolades:  View the ceremonial accolades you can purchase.
   answer inscriptions:  View the inscriptions and ciphers you can learn.
    answer requisition:  Place an order for a special piece of equipment.
         answer spells:  Ask about any special spells Krijjkar may know.

     To learn about accolades, see 'help invasion accolades'.
     To learn about inscriptions, see 'help inscriptions'.
     To learn about requisition gear, see 'help invasion requisition'.

2. Chose the piece of equipment.

Step 1: Turn in scrip

The first thing you'll have to do is decide if the piece you'll be crafting will be for a mortal character, or a major remort, using the answer command:

Margrave Krijjkar says, 'Looks like your ordnance scrip is in order, Doos.'

   That scrip allows you to requisition one piece of equipment. Once you have 
   purchased a requisition, you can visit Orrsten to finalize the item's 
   design and creation. Requisitioned gear is good for 3 weeks, after 
   which the item fractures and becomes unusable.

   First, you must choose the quality of gear which you'd like to create. 
   Use the 'answer' command to do so (for example, 'answer mortal').

     mortal : requisition a piece of mortal equipment
                (requires level 50 to equip)
     major  : requisition a piece of major remort equipment
                (requires level 60 and major remort to equip)
Step 2: Choose the slot

A player with no accolades will have 5 equipment slots to choose from: hands (gauntlets), feet (sabatons), arms (vambraces), legs (cuisses), or head (sallet). All you have to do is "answer" the gear piece name, not the slot.

   Use the 'answer' command to select the type of gear you'd like to order 
   (for example, 'answer sabatons'). More item types are unlocked as you 
   purchase further accolade levels from Krijjkar. Submitting a 
   requisition will deduct the appropriate cost from your faction (you 
   currently have 29 faction with Ruushi).

   You may type 'answer cancel' to cancel this interaction.

             available gear   faction cost 
         ( hands )  gauntlets    4
          ( feet )  sabatons     4
          ( arms )  vambraces    7
          ( legs )  cuisses      7
          ( head )  sallet      12

3: Next instructions.

Step 3: Get next instructions

Krijjkar will take your scrip affect and give you a replacement. Afterwards, he'll tell you to visit Orrsten "north of here" and then charge you the base faction cost of the item.

   Margrave Krijjkar tells you, 'Your requisition for a set of gauntlets has been submitted.'
   You may visit Orrsten at any time to finalize the order and pick up your 
   gear. He resides to the north of here.

   Your faction with Ruushi has decreased by 4.
   You have a total of 25 faction points with Ruushi.

4: Meet forgemaster Orrsten Garmalk.

Step 4: Orrsten introduction

Stepping into his room just north of Krijjkar, "answer help" will start a dialogue with him. He will refresh you on the process (by this time you're on the third step he lists), and then ask you to "answer requisition."

Orrsten Garmalk says, 'Good day, Doos - my name is Orrsten Garmalk.'

   I supply requisition gear to those who have submitted orders. The process 
   for obtaining requisition gear is thus:

    1. Vai-shan grants an ordnance scrip to her bravest defenders.
    2. Krijjkar will take that scrip, and in return will allow you
       to requisition one piece of equipment. This costs a small
       amount of faction, depending on the specific type of gear.
    3. Once your requisition is submitted, you can visit me to
       select the materials with which I will create your item.
       This also costs faction, depending on the quality of the
       materials you select.
    4. I create your item, and send you on your way with it!

   Requisition items last for 3 weeks before crumbling into uselessness. 
   You can view 'help invasion requisition' for more detailed information. 
   To begin the creation process, simply visit me and type 'answer 

5. Learn about crafting materials.

Step 5: Material explanation

Like crafting, the equipment created is based off of base components of varying qualities, but unlike crafting, you don't collect, store, and provide them.

Orrsten Garmalk says, 'Alak'har to you, Doos. I can create your requisition item.'

   First, you must select the materials with which I will construct your 
   item. Unfortunately, the relentless Vl'lakian incursions take quite a 
   toll on my supply lines, and so my stock is limited.

   You may wish to revisit me from time to time, as I receive new 
   shipments several times each day. The quality of my stock is heavily 
   dependent on our Invasion defense efforts - the more successful we are 
   at repelling the Vl'lakian invasions, the more I can offer you in terms 
   of variety and quality of material. Select an option with the 'answer' 

   1 - Show me the materials you have available, Orrsten.
   2 - I will return later.

The types, availability, and quality of materials are based on a number of factors, not the least of which is how much damage Ruushi took during the last Invasion. For the best materials and highest variety, requisition a piece of equipment after a very successful Invasion.

6. Choose your materials.

Step 6: Material selection

Orrsten will then show you what's available. You'll see several keywords and costs. "Primary" and "secondary mats" are one of four types: cunning, spirit, accuracy, or physique. The name of the material will be on the left-side of the chart, and the type on the right. The quality of material will be listed in the central, "faction cost" section. More details on both Faction costs and types/stat sets are in below sections.

   primary mats:                   faction cost:                   type:   
                        4     15      30        50       75
   wyrmbone         ( crude                                     )  cunning

   secondary mats:                 faction cost:                   type:   
                        3     10      20        35        55
   gryphon down     ( crude                                     )  cunning

   You currently have 25 faction with Ruushi.
   Your item will cost 7 faction using the chosen materials.

     Primary material: crude wyrmbone
   Secondary material: crude gryphon down

   To create your item, type 'answer create'.

   To cancel the creation process, type 'answer cancel'.
Step 7: Material costs

Orrsten will ask you in 3 rounds to build the piece you want. To choose a primary component, "answer" with the name of the component, not type or quality, i.e. "answer wyrmbone." The second round, he'll ask you to chose your secondary mat, and then the last round will be to "answer create" or cancel.

Orrsten Garmalk tells you, 'As requested, Doos.'
Orrsten Garmalk gives you < Ruushi-forged > crude weightless gauntlets.

   Your faction with Ruushi has decreased by 7.
   You have a total of 18 faction points with Ruushi.

When you've made your choices and confirmed, Orrsten will give you an item as well as deduct the required Faction.

8. Get your new piece!

Step 8: Item stats

Now you have an item and no ordinance scrip affect, you can see what you made! Any identification method will show you your new piece:

  Tloka, the witch takes 10,000 gold and tells you the following:

  Name:       ( flickering ) < Ruushi-forged > crude weightless gauntlets
  Lifetime:   20 day(s), 23 hour(s), 59 minutes(s)
  Keywords:   crude flickering gauntlets ruushi-forged weightless
  Value:      12,000,000 gold
  Type:       hands

  Class:      major remort

  Bonus:      speed +11, agility +8, endurance +1469, armor class +25

Help File

From the in-game help file:

Invasion requisition gear:

Requisition gear is a special benefit, accessible to Ruushi's
defenders. Players can spend their Ruushi faction to purchase
powerful items, which last for 3 weeks before being destroyed.

The basic process for obtaining requisition gear is as follows:

  1. Obtain an ordnance scrip from Commandant Vai-shan.
  2. Visit Krijjkar to submit a requisition. The scrip will
     allow you to submit a request for one piece of equipment
     of your choice.
  3. Once you have submitted a requisition, visit Orrsten to
     create the chosen item. You will need to select and 
     purchase (with faction) the materials with which your
     item is to be created.

- Commandant Vai-shan grants an ordnance scrip as part of the
  rewards she provides to Invasion participants. You can only
  carry one ordnance scrip at a time; it will be visible in
  your affects list (type 'affects'). You may not receive an
  ordnance scrip if you do not contribute enough effort to the
  defense of Ruushi.

- Trading your scrip to Krijjkar in order to submit a
  requisition costs a small amount of faction, depending on
  the item you request. Your current requisition request
  is visible in your affects list.

- As you acquire more accolade levels (see 'help invasion
  accolades'), you may unlock new item types with Krijjkar
  which you can then submit requisitions for.

- To create your requisition item, you must visit Orrsten
  and select both a primary and secondary material. Higher
  qualities of material cost more faction, but can produce
  much stronger equipment.

- The quality and variety of materials which Orrsten offers
  at any given time is directly dependent on the success of
  Ruushi's defense during the Invasion events! Greater success
  during the event allows Orrsten's trade routes to open up,
  resulting in a better potential inventory of materials.

- Physique materials tend to improve strength and resilience.
  Accuracy materials tend to improve combat prowess and stamina.
  Cunning materials tend to improve swiftness and balance.
  Spirit materials tend to improve psyche and mental reserves.
For basic information about Invasions, see 'help ruushi invasion'.

Materials and Stat Sets

Available materials are updated after each Invasion, and the overall performance of the event affects the materials available. An Invasion with failed events and high damage will only allow for certain mats to be available, so it's not a guarantee that every set will be craftable on-demand.

Primary Mat Secondary Mat Stat Set
Physique Physique Strength, NR, HP
Physique Accuracy HP, Constitution, Damage
Physique Cunning NR, Constitution, Speed
Physique Spirit Strength, Intellect
Accuracy Physique Hit, Dexterity, HP
Accuracy Accuracy Hit, Damage, Endurance
Accuracy Cunning Speed, Dexterity
Accuracy Spirit Dexterity, Damage, Wisdom
Cunning Physique Agility, Strength
Cunning Accuracy Endurance, Quickness, Damage
Cunning Cunning Speed, Agility, Endurance, Armor Class
Cunning Spirit Quickness, Speed, Willpower
Spirit Physique Intellect, Wisdom, HP
Spirit Accuracy Hit, Wisdom
Spirit Cunning Intellect, Willpower, Speed
Spirit Spirit Willpower, Mana, Spirit

Faction Point Prices

In addition to purchasing the scrip, you must also purchase the materials to build the items. There are to costs associated with this: a primary cost and a secondary cost. For example, as you select options to purchase the item, you will pay 4 Faction for a crude primary material, and 3 Faction for a crude secondary material, paying a total of 7 Faction Points for the piece.

Material Tier crude fair superior flawless eldritch
Primary Mat 4 15 30 50 75
Secondary Mat 3 10 20 35 50
