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A container is a bag or other object that can be carried. They cannot be worn, equipped, or put in other containers, but may hold a specific amount of items.


Containers are common items in MUDs and allow a player to carry more items and manage their belongings more efficiently. An introduction to them can be found in the Fields of Guidance by following the Intermediate Item Guide.


While bags have existed since Nodeka's inception, there have been developments over the years, including both new containers as well as mechanic changes. For instance, prior to this update, items fell out of containers when quitting:

News 2/21/00:
- Items in containers STAY in containers upon quitting.

In addition to the containers that were introduced with the MUD's advent, a few bags have been added over time. The weathered leather satchels were implemented as a resource cache loot option with Whim's Crafting 3.0 Makers Festival Event and the patched vl'lakian rucksack came with the Ruushi Invasion Event.

Inventory Management

Containers are necessary for proper inventory management. As a player gains only one inventory slot per level, space is at a premium. Bags allow for items to be stored in, organized, and brought out when needed. The two major commands to view your inventory is inventory, and the command to view your maximum slots is score, where the "item slots" stat is displayed at the bottom.

For further control, and viewing items within the your inventory itself, like bags and other containers, you can use the command look in or alternatively:


Usage: examine <object in room / object in inventory>

Taking a closer look at an object might reveal helpful clues as to its use.
It is always wise to examine a strange object before you tinker with it. This
is especially useful for looking inside of containers or corpses to see what
items might be stored within each.

Containers work within Nodeka's dot notation numbering scheme as well. For instance, if you had 10 ant mandibles, you can drop the fifth one by specifying drop 5.mandible. In the same way, if you were carrying ten backpacks, you could look in the first one by typing examine backpack, and look at what items you have in the last one by sending the command examine 10.backpack.

To put an item in a container, use the command put:

 -> put all.sword black, backpack
 -> put 5.cloth, bag
 -> put all, satchel

To get an item from a container, use the command get:

 -> get all
 -> get all, backpack
 -> get all, corpse
 -> get all.sword black, backpack
 -> get, corpse
 -> get all.staff

See Inventory Management for more information about item manipulation.


Below is a list of current containers in the game.

As of 19 January 2021

Container Capacity Mob Loader or Vendor Area Location
a bag of pastries 4 Denis vendor Aur-Vindi bakery, southside
a blessed haversack of the Saint 37 The Saint of Winter quest mob Town of Ruushi Temple
a dented pail 3 none none Aur-Vindi stables, central and southwest
a gray backpack 2 Intermediate Item Guide quest mob Fields of Guidence south central
a kangaroo pouch 10 kangaroo loader Zembori Plains various
a large glass pitcher 4 Allie vendor Aur-Vindi glassware shop, southwest
a large leather backpack 11 Khaleth vendor Town of Ruushi northwest cluster
a large paper envelope ??? ??? ??? ???
a large sack 12 cheerful vendor vendor Aur-Vindi various
a patched Vl'lakian rucksack 32 jailwatch ogres loader Vl'lakian Invasion Base various
a sack of cookies 4 Denis vendor Aur-Vindi bakery, southside
a scoria-encrusted chamber Unimplemented ??? ??? ???
a small bag 3 Alyshe vendor Town of Ruushi northeast cluster
a stylish black satchel 28 Rizzo quest mob ??? ???
a weathered leather satchel 18 none resource cache various various
a wooden cask 10 Petra vendor Aur-Vindi south of the bridge, central
an alpine backpack 21 mountain climber loader Dorin Foothills various
an explorer's backpack 28 Petra vendor Aur-Vindi south of the bridge, central
brown sack ??? ??? ??? ???
Lectokke's transcendental bucket Unimplemented ??? ??? ???
