Ruushi Invasion

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The Ruushi Invasion is an in-game event that occurs every 4 hours, 33 minutes and lasts for 43 minutes.

Background and In-Game Lore[edit]

The event's first iteration went live on May 26, 2009 as a "New periodic mini-event: the Vl'lakian Invasion." The MOTD read, "The ogre incursion is imminent, and the city of Ruushi is at stake..." The same day it was taken offline for rebalancing and was re-activated the next day with improvements to Mob AI, help files, new mobs, rewards, spawns, miscellaneous bug fixes and more. After a rocky start to stability as the event went live, the event ran regularly through the month end.

In June 2009, the event went through more balancing and updates. Boss mob spawn chances were increased, lateral defense of Invasion mobs was increased, and lifetime of temporary invasion earrings were increased. At some point though, it was clear that the current iteration wouldn't be sufficient in the long-term, due to stability, scalability, or otherwise. The event was taken offline.

On January 27, 2010, the Ruushi Invasion Revamp went live. The MOTD described a "big time" upgrade and warned players to "approach it with a fresh eye, as many things have changed." Difficulty was increased, Invasion mobs reworked, inscriptions included, and balancing was being actively worked on. By the beginning of February 2010, the Invasion was on a fully automatic cycle with special rewards promised shortly.

That same month, mob spawn numbers were rebalanced, the rank chart updated, as well as one of the biggest and most welcome changes to the game as a whole: jailwatch ogres began to load some gear, including notched vl'lakian fauchards and patched Vl'lakian rucksacks, one of the game's largest containers. The new invasion had auxiliary missions, too, such as a direct invasion on the ogres by entering their thundercloud, causing the directing ogre shamans to show themselves by loading a power source into a lodestone tower, or even defending one of Gearhand Tyf's repair golems from invaders.

Major changes to Ruushi came in March 2010. What used to be just a citadel viewing room was expanded into an entire watchtower above the Temple. A lookout mob was added, who can give a status report on the current Invasion, or share how the last Invasion went. Faction, another type of currency given to participants could be collected and spent; inscriptions and ciphers were implemented and available for purchase from Krijjkar.

The following summer introduced another way to spend earned faction points: requisition gear. It is a special temporary gear that can be worn by mortals and remortals alike. The mechanic was worked into a sliding scale: the better the invasion, the better the materials (commonly referred to in-game as "mats") were on offer. Accolades were put in place for purchase while a spoils of war system was being developed. Mechanics were updated and added. Development slowed.

Various small changes and balances happened over the next few years. Cooperation became a big focus for the update on July 24, 2014. Rewards were increased when "teamwork, planning, and the prevention of city damage is now much more significant." The last big change was in January 2017 where "Platinum rewards for Invasion events have been strongly increased."

Help File[edit]

Invasion of Ruushi:

The Invasion of Ruushi is a fully automated city invasion event, occurring
several times daily. The event is accessible to all players of level 50
and up.

Invasion announcements are displayed on the 'trial' channel (you can use
the 'toggle' command to make sure your 'trial' channel is on, and to toggle
it on or off). In addition, Christof (the NPC who directs the defense of
Ruushi) may make periodic announcements within Ruushi itself over the
'yell' channel.

While the Invasion is active, Vl'lakian invaders will teleport into
Ruushi and begin damaging the city. It is not safe to attack them unless 
you have been given a mission to do so! To find out how you can participate 
in the Invasion, locate Watch-captain Christof and type 'answer help' to 
see a list of his commands. (Christof is on patrol near the Temple of 
Ruushi whenever an Invasion is active.)

There are several topics with more detailed information about the Invasion:

   help invasion enemies
   help invasion enemy classes
   help invasion mechanics
   help invasion npcs
   help invasion rewards
   help invasion requisition gear
   help invasion slave pits

Event Overview[edit]

  • Joining the Invasion's Defense Efforts
  • Christof's Rune of Heroism
  • Main objectives
    • Destroy the invading ogres!
  • Side objectives:
    • Golem Defense (tyf)
    • Direct Assault (shaker)
    • Lodestone Tower (tyf)
  • Teamwork
  • Miscellaneous
    • Jail
    • Lookout
  • Final Phase: Boss Mob
  • Rewards
  • Faction
    • Accolades
    • Platinum
    • Experience
    • Item Requisition
