Ruan strategy
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Ruan strategy: Usage: ruan strategy (self-only) Ruan strategy is a kyf naj'k prevention ability; its use prevents the use of other kyf naj'k prevention abilities (such as mystical huri) for a certain period of time. Some scoff at the pairing of the words "ruan" and "strategy", and yet the destruction that a barbarian is capable of exceeds the possibility of mere chaotic application. Indeed, the greatest ruanbaeres of history were prized by their kind, not only for their strength, but also for their tactical prowess. Mind, they were by no means master tacticians in the formal sense; however, while their strategies were largely simple and direct, they were nonetheless efficient and executed by beings with the stubborn will to carry them through to the end. Even the youngest barbarians may call upon their training in ruan strategy for a tactical edge while in battle. The power of this tactical benefit is DIRECTLY proportional to the barbarian's health! A barbarian who has not shed any blood will gain marginal benefit; however, a barbarian who has taken a number of serious blows to the head and sports some promising new scars will find their tactical edge greatly improved. The potential of ruan strategy runs far deeper than it initially seems. In certain situations, the barbarian can gain additional benefits beyond the combat accuracy that is always granted. Exhausted ruanbaeres, for example, can benefit greatly when their tactical mind is clear enough that they remember to take a breather. Further benefits have been seen; however, the barbarians lost count of them when their number began to approach the number of fingers on one hand. It is known, however, that some of the greatest ruanbaeres in history approached their problems with a set of tools that the common barbarian had never considered; patience over impetuousness, precision over power, reason over brawn, and untouchability over immovability. The duration and prevention of ruan strategy is constant. As mentioned above, its effect is primarily controlled by the barbarian's health; the potential of its effect, however, increases with willpower and mastery over 100%. The chance for the ruanbaere to consider alternate strategies, thus gaining a secondary benefit, can also be increased with mastery over 100% (assuming any special conditions have been met).