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The help file on the class describes the Barbarian (also known as ruanbaere) as having "one consistency in all words spoken: there is no force more devastating. A different breed of fighter, the ruan philosophy in battle is fairly simple: if it moves, hit it, and hit it as hard as possible."

Class Information[edit]

General Info:

  • Remort Tier: Non-remort
  • Class +Hit: X
  • Class +Dam: X
  • Complementary Races: <races go here>


  • PVE information can go here. General strategy, areas, and more.


  • PVP information can go here. General strategy, skills, and more

Growth Plan:

  • Here's how to grow this character, and what pracs are important, etc.

Class Description[edit]

The barbarian is the most base combat class. From "help barbarian:"

Bararian [sic], also known as ruanbaere:

When one speaks of the mighty ruanbaere, there is but one consistency in all
words spoken: there is no force more devastating. A different breed of fighter,
the ruan philosophy in battle is fairly simple: if it moves, hit it, and hit it 
as hard as possible. The ruanbaere believes in the "right of might" way
of combat, and seeks to rid themselves of their enemy as fast as possible by
simply beating them into submission. 

From an early age, these warriors are taught how to focus their anger into 
controlling their weapons. To make the weapons a pure extension of their 
rage. And to use that rage to leave little more than a bloody smear where 
their opponents once stood.

Forgoing skill and subtlety in battle, the ruanbaeres are brawlers of the 
truest sense, which quite possibly is what makes them the most dangerous. 
There is no possible way to tell what these crazed warriors will do in combat,
no way to guess what is coming next, no way to form a defensive battle plan. 
Once you you're sure what's coming next, you've already lost, because even 
the ruanbaere has no idea what it's going to do.

*Note: yes, the help file spells "barbarian" wrong in the first line.

Skills and Spells[edit]

[ Barbarian skills: (*) unique, (*) new to tier ]:

                                   %    Level   Endur                 Position    
                          climb [   ] [   1 ] [    0 ]          [  Auto -  Auto ]
                           swim [   ] [   1 ] [    0 ]          [  Auto -  Auto ]
                           kick [ + ] [   1 ] [    7 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                       withdraw [   ] [   1 ] [  103 ]          [ Fight - Fight ]
                  ruan polestar [ + ] [   1 ] [   28 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                           bash [ + ] [   5 ] [   23 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                          parry [ + ] [  10 ] [    0 ]          [  Auto -  Auto ]
                  ruan strategy [ + ] [  13 ] [   12 ]          [ Fight - Fight ]
                  striking fist [ + ] [  16 ] [   31 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                           rage [   ] [  20 ] [   20 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
      banded smiting initiative [ + ] [  22 ] [  103 ]          [ Stand - Stand ]
                      vehemence [ + ] [  25 ] [   72 ]          [  Rest - Stand ]
                     regenerate [   ] [  30 ] [    0 ]          [  Rest - Stand ]
               berserkers focus [   ] [  36 ] [  150 ]          [  Rest - Stand ]
                    acute might [ + ] [  40 ] [    0 ]          [  Auto -  Auto ]
                  rolling elbow [ + ] [  44 ] [   82 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                        berserk [   ] [  50 ] [   30 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                     knee-smash [ + ] [  53 ] [  153 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                         hammer [   ] [  60 ] [   80 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
                          throw [ + ] [  72 ] [   52 ]          [ Stand - Stand ]
                 ishtl's choler [   ] [  75 ] [  301 ]          [  Rest - Stand ]
                 savage assault [   ] [  81 ] [    0 ]          [  Auto -  Auto ]
                        bulwark [ + ] [  85 ] [  290 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]
           defenders discipline [ + ] [  93 ] [  110 ]          [  Rest - Stand ]
            barbarian bloodlust [   ] [ 100 ] [    0 ]          [  Auto -  Auto ]
                       insanity [ + ] [ 100 ] [   50 ]          [ Stand - Fight ]

% : Abilities marked '+' grant additional bonuses when trained past 100% mastery.

Class Progression[edit]

[ Class List ] Note: '!' denotes alignment out of ability range

     Base        Minor Remort         Major Remort          Align Req.    
[ Barbarian ] [ Ruan-of-war       ] [ Mordant Ruanbaere     ] [   -1000 - 250  ]
                                    [ Zerkorian             ] [   -1000 - 1000 ]
                                    [ Ruanbaere of the Fury ] [   -1000 - 1000 ]
                                    [ Barbaric Ruanbaere    ] [   -1000 - 1000 ]
                                    [ Stoic Ruanbaere       ] [   -1000 - 1000 ]
