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Ability Information
Lag (ms) ??
Useable stand, combat
Prevention forge feat
Resource endurance
Cost 290
100% + Y

Bulwark is a defensive skill that grants health and some physical invulnerability while reducing damage. Its effect is mostly determined by willpower. Skill mastery increases its effect and reduces its prevention time.

From the helpfile:

Usage: bulwark

Bulwark is a forge feat prevention ability.

The mighty ruanbaere has long had a reputation for being single-minded,
stubborn, and thick-headed beyond comprehension. (Graciousness is 
certainly a trait they possess as well, for any barbarian will thank you 
sincerely for lavishing such compliments upon him.)

From this steel-plated obstinance springs forth a basic tool in the 
successful barbarian's arsenal - the skill of bulwark. Upon using this 
skill, the barbarian roots both mind and body firmly in place, steeling 
himself to be the most unyielding lump of flesh he can possibly be.

This restricted stance yields a slight disadvantage; the barbarian's
damage is lowered somewhat while he is in bulwark. However, he also
becomes harder to kill and more resilient to simple knives and clubs;
the user instantly gains a boost to hit points as well as a small
measure of pure physical invulnerability.

The timely use of bulwark has saved many an overextended barbarian, 
and its hit point boost can be a welcome salve to the wounds of 
extended battle. Note, however, that a barbarian who is berserking
or insane does not have the presence of mind to initiate this 
ability - it must be used beforehand or not at all.

The power of bulwark is based on the user's willpower; its duration is
constant. Bulwark's prevention is short but cannot be reduced by stats 
alone. Mastery in this ability beyond 100% increases its power further,
and can slightly reduce its prevention as well.
