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Usage: bash <target>
Usage: bash (when used in battle, if no target is supplied, automatically targets opponent)

Bash is an iah impairment prevention ability with a constant prevention time
of 60 seconds.

Bash is, perhaps, one of the most primal and simplistic attacks one can make.
(Those who possess it also describe a successful bash as "extremely 
satisfying".) This [[Skills|skill] attempts to disorient your opponent through sheer 
force and momentum, delivering the beating that the victim most assuredly

A bashed opponent is easier to hit and cannot dodge attacks. The victim will
also find it difficult to perform actions while being battered relentlessly.

- Bash is an action impairment. It does not prevent attacks from being made.
- Strength and skill percentage boosts the accuracy of the initial attack. This includes any skill mastery beyond 100%.
- The victim's strength helps to resist the initial attack, as well as to "break" through the effects of the impairment with attacks and actions.

For more information, see: help impairments
