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Usage: withdraw

Withdraw is a basic flee guarantee prevention ability. Once used, other basic
flee guarantee abilities cannot be used. The prevention time for withdraw is
constant (i.e. it is never reduced in time).

Withdraw is a last resort ability. Withdraw attempts to retreat from battle,
but offers some major guarantees that other battle fleeing abilities and 
commands do not. Withdraw does not compare the user's statistics against the
opponent. Withdraw also does not take time to prepare and then perform, rather
it happens automatically without front-ended lag or tail-ended lag.

This is not to say withdraw is perfect, battle impairment affects can still
prevent it from succeeding and battle locking can still prevent it from
succeeding. However, the main blocks of having to succeed a statistic check
against your opponent does not need to succeed and therefore the likeliness of
this ability succeeding is very high.

Withdraw is a key skill in the array of strategic forms of battle maneuvers.
It is because of this, the prevention time on withdrawing from battle is 
extremely high.
