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Ability Information
Lag (ms) 0
Useable combat
Prevention intermediate kick
Resource endurance
Cost 153
100% + Y

Knee-smash is a lagless damaging attack prevention skill. It cannot be dodged, and its damage scales with the user's strength, speed, and skill mastery. Its accuracy increases with the user's level and dexterity. This skill can be used regardless of the user's current condition (rage, berserk, etc). Its prevention time is based on the user's constitution.

From the helpfile:

Usage: knee-smash <target>
Usage: knee-smash (when already in battle, this ability will automatically
       target your opponent if no target is supplied)

Knee-smash is an intermediate kick prevention ability. 

While categorized as a kick, knee-smash is more of a "grab your opponent's 
head and bash your knee into his or her face" kind of attack.

Nonetheless, knee-smash can do a great deal of physical damage. The damage 
done is based on user's strength and speed. The user's level and dexterity 
determine the accuracy of the knee-smash.

In addition, knee-smash cannot be dodged and can be performed while the user
is under any condition. Like for example, when the user is berserk. The 
prevention time incurred by knee-smash is based on the user's constitution.

It has been rumored that this ability improves in power for users who exceed
100% ability mastery.
