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It's possible for a player character to change his or her race even after a character is rolled–no change is permanent. There are advantages to a race change, especially if you've changed class, too. There are racial and class bonuses and affects that could be beneficial in one case as opposed to another.

From "help alteration:"

Alteration (race change):

Usage: alteration (lists available races to adapt to)
Usage: alteration <race name>

This command allows to you change race permanently. You can race change to 
any other race in your remort tier.

A racial trainer must be present in order to fulfill this request.

Alteration syntax:

  alteration (shows the list of possible race and class alterations)
  alteration <FULL RACE NAME>


Command entered:     alteration
Command entered:     alteration onyx protector
Command entered:     alteration storm wielder
Command entered:     alteration daimon

Note: alteration removes all of your affects, INCLUDING quest affects! 
Therefore, ensure any quests you are in the middle of you finish before
altering your race (so you don't have to redo mob kills, etc.).

Note: each character is allowed one free race change. To use your free race 
change, simply use the alteration command. Once your free race change has been 
used, you will be charged the normal race change fee thereafter.

For more information, see: help race change