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This command is used to answer botchecks.

Help File[edit]

From "help botanswer:"


Usage: botanswer <string>

The answer command is used specifically to answer bot questions.

When prompted by Nodeka, supply the best possible answer to the bot check by

   botanswer <your answer here>

Each time a new bot check begins (not each individual question, but rather each
set of questions), your old answer is cleared. This is done to prevent old 
stored answers from accidentally being correct. Resetting old answers should 
have no affect on non-botters.

Leave your answer in place until the Nodeka informs you that your answer is
right or wrong. If you have the correct answer, you will be rewarded by Nodeka.
If you have the wrong answer, Nodeka will inform you of that and ask you 
another question.

For example, if Nodeka prompted you with the following bot check:

say Getting botchecked!
BOT CHECK - use the 'botanswer' command to store your answer.
You have two minutes to answer - you have three chances to answer correctly.

Answer usage:   botanswer <string>

Answer example: botanswer a
Answer example: botanswer A

Type 'repeat' to see the bot check question again.
Identify the letter below (both uppercase and lowercase are accepted):

   #     #
   #     #


Your botanswer would be:

   > c

The bot check system is case insensitive, meaning if you enter the uppercase
version of the letter or the lowercase version of the letter, both answers are

For more information, see: help bot check, help repeat bot check.


Botchecks were introduced in ... One of the earliest implementations of a botcheck was Nijlo sending a tell to a player asking for a response. As scripting became more prevalent, this was morphed into the new botcheck system: CAPTCHA-type string of text that a human needed to interpret.

Currently, as of September 2020, there are no botchecks in the game. They were removed after a player released a botcheck script that took a screenshot of the check, converted that to a BMP, and then ran OCR on the picture. That result was passed to the client as a botanswer.