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A bounty is a way to incentivize PVP and fairly pay other players for claiming a bounty.

From "help bounties:"


Usage: bounties            (lists all bounties)
Usage: bounties open       (lists open bounties)
Usage: bounties approved   (lists approved bounties)
Usage: bounties posted     (lists bounties you've posted)
Usage: bounties pending    (lists bounties you're waiting approval on)
Usage: bounties rejected   (lists bounties you've been rejected for)

The bounties command is used to list bounties in a variety of different ways.
Most outputs of the bounty command give information about what the current
status of a bounty is; open, approved, pending or rejected.

The bounties posted version of this command gives much more detail. When you've
posted a bounty, you can use bounties posted and see detailed status of each
bounty you've posted, including; who's requested approval, who you've approved
and who you've rejected.

If you wish to see who's requested to be approved for a bounty you've posted, 
use the:

      bounties posted

command. [sic]

For more information, see: help bounty hunting