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To view clan information, use the command display clan. This command incurs 1980 ms of lag. The chart has live information on each clan.

Post-Wipe Clans[edit]

A few months after the 2014 Player Wipe, clans were re-instituted. You could again apply to form a clan, pay the sun stone cost, and establish your clan. Originally limited to 12 members, the limit is now 20.

As of September 2020, here is what display clan looks like:

Syntax: display clan <clan name>

  Clan Name     Leader      Co-leader   Advisor       Members       PKs Lvl  
[ Ancient   ] [ Vivec     / Onaolas   /            ] [    10 ] [  1,454  98 ]
[ Armada    ] [ Aksark    /           /            ] [    0  ] [    N/A N/A ]
[ Blade     ] [ Syveril   /           / Argh       ] [    10 ] [  4,971  99 ]
[ Drunks    ] [ Fleke     / Fleke     / Cly        ] [    9  ] [    N/A N/A ]
[ Evil      ] [ Vellum    / Vellum    /            ] [    8  ] [  1,413  99 ]
[ Fog       ] [ Zhakar    / Xylarg    /            ] [    3  ] [    N/A N/A ]
[ Hawk      ] [ Blasphemy / Drayke    / Thing      ] [    7  ] [  2,239  99 ]
[ Hugs      ] [ Grim      / Grim      / Dokuro     ] [    12 ] [  1,676  97 ]
[ Misfits   ] [ Madussa   / Rhamza    / Zz'ltaren  ] [    19 ] [  5,453  98 ]
[ Murder    ] [ Revik     / Bronson   /            ] [    2  ] [     82  98 ]
[ Nekros    ] [ Stellar   /           /            ] [    2  ] [    N/A N/A ]
[ Pact      ] [ Bubbles   /           / Bubbles    ] [    2  ] [     40  97 ]
[ Runia     ] [ Apollo    / Syskosis  / Berengei   ] [    17 ] [  7,857  99 ]
[ Ursa      ] [ Jengathu  / Jengathu  / Jengathu   ] [    2  ] [    710  98 ]
[ Virtue    ] [ Doos      / Dalimar   / Doos       ] [    17 ] [  3,559  98 ]

Pre-Wipe Clans[edit]

