Playable Classes
There are currently 126 playable classes across 3 remort tiers. When a new character is rolled, you can choose one of 18 base classes. In the second remort tier, minor, each of those grow into a second, more powerful class, with unique skills not seen in the base class. Each major remort class has 5 options a player can remort into.
Class Structure[edit]
There are 18 "base classes," that enable and essentially control your style of play, because a character's class determines what skills and spells that are available. You can use the command display classes
, or adding a modifier, display classes <base class name>
to see more about a specific class.
Example: > display classes (shows all classes) > dis cla mjol (shows all mjol class and mjol remort classes) > dis cla w (shows all base classes that start with 'w' and the base classes associated remort classes) Your class represents what skills or spells you will be able to learn during the course of your lifetime. As you remort, more skills/spells will become available to you, thus granting you further power. To see a full list of classes, type: display classes. When glancing through the class list, you may notice a '!' under the alignment category. This '!' represents that the class cannot be of the alignment range specified next to it. If the class falls into this alignment range, they will be unable to cast/invoke spells temporarily. Otherwise, the alignment range represents the range of alignment when the class is able to cast/invoke spells. To see a list of your class skills/spells, type: "class" (note: this command can be used to see the skill list of other classes. To do so, simply include a class name, such as "class witch".) For more information, see: help race, help class, help display races
To get details about your class or another, use the class
Usage: class Usage: class <class name> Class will give a list of skills and spells for the class name supplied. If no class name is supplied, a list of skills and spells for your class will be listed.
Using class
by itself will bring up your class-specific skills and spells. Using the command with a class as the modifier will output a list of that class' skills and spells.
Each class has a diffrent Class +hit and +dam:
Class +hit
reflects how much extra accuracy your class inflicts per blow, while class +dam
reflects how much extra damage your class inflicts per blow. This trait varies with each class and level. Note, class +damage is computed with every attack that is of a raw damage type, normal battle attacks, kicks, punches, etc. Class +hit and +damage is added to normal damage with almost every normal type of damage (this does not include magical or mental attacks).
There is a Score Sheet Topic: Class and Applied plus damage/hit as well, which helps explain and see these attributes:
This field represents the current +hit and +damage you have. +Hit and +damage are including for almost all attacks. +Hit and +damage are calculated by adding the class +hit/+dam to the applied +hit/+dam together. Note: in most cases both class and applied +hit/+damage are added together to determine your true amount of +hit and +damage. This value is show to the right of the equals (=) sign on your score card. These values are left separate to help you identify where your +hit and +damage are coming from. In general, +hit increases your ability to hit creatures and +damage increases your ability to damage creatures with a successful hit.
To communicate specifically with other characters of your class, try using the Class-native channel; from "help class-native:"
Toggle usage: toggle class-native channel Channel usage: class-native <message> Channel usage: cnative <message> The class native channel communicates messages only to those individuals who are of the same class lineage. Non-remorts, minor remorts and major remorts of the class all communicate on the same channel. To turn the class-native channel on and off, type "toggle class-native".
Class List[edit]
Using the in-game command, display class
, the output below is shown:
[ Class List ] Note: '!' denotes alignment out of ability range Base Minor Remort Major Remort Align Req. [ Barbarian ] [ Ruan-of-war ] [ Mordant Ruanbaere ] [ -1000 - 250 ] [ Zerkorian ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Ruanbaere of the Fury ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Barbaric Ruanbaere ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Stoic Ruanbaere ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Druid ] [ Heiton Priest ] [ Druidic Heiton ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Heiton of Greater ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Quickbolt Heiton ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Warding Rain Heiton ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Grey-forest Heiton ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Fallad ] [ Raised Fallad ] [ Arch-fallad ] [ -500 - 1000 ] [ Anointed Fallad ] [ -500 - 1000 ] [ Warrior Fallad ] [ -500 - 1000 ] [ Fallad of Vengeance ] [ -500 - 1000 ] [ Light Order, Fallad ] [ -500 - 1000 ] [ Footpad ] [ Brigand ] [ Shadow Rogue ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Assassin ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Highway Bandit ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Shadow Archer ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Nameless One ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Healer ] [ Dajain Abbess ] [ Dajain Angel ] [ -500 - 1000 ] [ Radial Daja ] [ -500 - 1000 ] [ Daja of Battle ] [ -500 - 1000 ] [ Daja of the Order of Light ] [ -500 - 1000 ] [ Dajain Healer ] [ -500 - 1000 ] [ Hunter ] [ Tholec of One ] [ Ne'kai Tholec ] [ ! -149 - 149 ] [ Tholec of the Hunt ] [ ! -149 - 149 ] [ Shadow Tholec ] [ ! -149 - 149 ] [ Taiso Tholec ] [ ! -149 - 149 ] [ Nomad of the Watch ] [ ! -149 - 149 ] [ Marauder ] [ Khehusod of Ti ] [ Khehusod of the Arc ] [ -1000 - 500 ] [ Firebrand ] [ -1000 - 500 ] [ Cloud-ring Khehusod ] [ -1000 - 500 ] [ Eaststar Khehusod ] [ -1000 - 500 ] [ Black Hellion ] [ -1000 - 500 ] [ Monk ] [ Gesko ] [ Tloh-monk ] [ ! -49 - 49 ] [ Stone-guard ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Monk of the Mystic ] [ ! -49 - 49 ] [ Darkhand Monk ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Shepherd of the Way ] [ ! -49 - 49 ] [ Necromancer ] [ Sa'duroth of the Occult ] [ Spectral Sa'duroth ] [ -1000 - 350 ] [ Fallen Deacon ] [ -1000 - 350 ] [ Angelic Sa'duroth ] [ -1000 - 350 ] [ Blood Sa'duroth ] [ -1000 - 350 ] [ Sa'duroth of Death ] [ -1000 - 350 ] [ Ninja ] [ Akisunerai ] [ Meijin Joufu ] [ ! -149 - 149 ] [ Shisou ] [ ! -149 - 149 ] [ Mahoutsukai Joufu ] [ ! -149 - 149 ] [ Mist Warrior ] [ ! -149 - 149 ] [ Ijiwaru Joufu ] [ ! -149 - 149 ] [ Nojohr ] [ Silver Nojohr ] [ Defensive-nojohr ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Nojohr Judge ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Magos Nojohr ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Lernen Nojohr ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Silvern Nojohr ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Paladin ] [ High Lo-fent ] [ White Dragoon ] [ -450 - 1000 ] [ Lo-fent, Lightseeker ] [ -450 - 1000 ] [ Sentinel of the Halo ] [ -450 - 1000 ] [ Deistic Lo-fent ] [ -450 - 1000 ] [ Warred Lo-fent ] [ -450 - 1000 ] [ Poliir ] [ Knighted Poliir ] [ Jakaen ] [ ! -249 - 249 ] [ Aegol-defender ] [ ! -249 - 249 ] [ Knight-errant ] [ ! -249 - 249 ] [ Infinity Guardian ] [ ! -249 - 249 ] [ Solar Poliir ] [ ! -249 - 249 ] [ Sorcerer ] [ Elemental Sage ] [ Planar Sage ] [ ! -99 - 99 ] [ Orange-cloud Sorcerer ] [ ! -99 - 99 ] [ Counterspiral Mage ] [ ! -99 - 99 ] [ Substance Magus ] [ ! -99 - 99 ] [ Frostbladed Sorcerer ] [ ! -99 - 99 ] [ Valkyrie ] [ Golden Aylakia ] [ Fire-goddess ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Bladed Virago ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Furied Aylakia ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Storm-aylakia ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Shielded Aylakia ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Warlock ] [ Battle-warlock ] [ Ataelos of Method ] [ ! -349 - 349 ] [ Archimage of War ] [ ! -349 - 349 ] [ Vision Guild Warlock ] [ ! -349 - 349 ] [ Blackened-ataelos ] [ ! -349 - 349 ] [ Eon Ataelos ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Witch ] [ Enchantress ] [ Oracle ] [ ! -199 - 399 ] [ Spirited-Witch ] [ -1000 - 1000 ] [ Sea Hag ] [ ! -199 - 399 ] [ Arcane Witch ] [ ! -199 - 399 ] [ Oracle of Weird ] [ ! -199 - 399 ] [ Wizard ] [ Second Order Mjol ] [ Circle Mjol ] [ ! -199 - 299 ] [ Mjol of the Red Robe ] [ ! -199 - 299 ] [ Bifold Wizard ] [ ! -199 - 299 ] [ Link Mjol ] [ ! -199 - 299 ] [ Heaven Mjol ] [ ! -199 - 299 ] [ Total Playable Classes ]: 126
Class Continuum[edit]
A common RPG trope is that of the three classes: the fighter, the mage, and the rogue. Comparing Nodeka's classes is difficult, but they can all be roughly placed on this diagram.

This reflects current design and meta, and is subject to change... see Nijlo's help file below.
Class Changing[edit]
It is possible to change your character's class even after character creation. While there used to be significant penalties for doing so, there are less decentives to it now. See the article on adaptation for more information.
It is interesting to note that a help file exists for "Minimize class changes:"
As many of you have noticed, we are now discouraging class changes. Here are some of the reasons why are discouraging class changes: (1) When class changes are easy, all players that can afford it will become the single most powerful class. This defeats the point of having multiple classes. (2) By having an abundance of players in one class, since this defeats the point of a "class-based RPG" we have no choice but to tone that class as the other classes are not being played. In addition, it sends a clear message that the one overplayed class is "unquestionably" too powerful, even if it is not. By toning the one overpowered class, the players then repeat step (1) and the Nodeka staff repeats step (2). We now have a cycle. (3) Without players representing all of Nodeka's classes, it becomes impossible for the Nodeka staff to understand how new features to an unplayed or underplayed class will affect Nodeka. (4) Because of (3), we need a method to ensure an equal distribution of players across all of Nodeka classes. Having such a method will not only help balance the game, it will result in more diverse and exciting gameplay, because the number of possible combinations will drastically grow. There are many ways to encourage players to "stick with a single class". The method we have chosen penalizes players who heavily invest in a class and then "jump ship" when that class is toned. Now, players are rewarded when they stay with one class. This causes two fundamental shifts in gameplay: (1) Big players, ones with 100k+ practices, can no longer afford to heavily invest in a class and then switch to another (out of the class lineage). Big players that do switch classes are heavily penalized. In effect, big players who class change become weaker each time they class change, shrinking the gap between the big class changing player and the smaller players. (2) Small players, ones without 100k+ practices, can afford to explore classes without extreme punishment. This allows smaller or newer players to make mistakes and learn from them without substantial penalty. This change helps manage the wideness between the uber Nodeka players and the non-ubers, while simultaneously creating an environment where a multitude of classes will be played. Furthermore, this change results in promoting a more "newbie" friendly Nodeka, while forcing veteran players to make wise, well-thought out decisions. Nodeka's class system becomes more complex and difficult to maneuver through the more powerful you become. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A final word on class changing: due to the recent "one time no-practice-loss adaptation" each player can now switch to their "dream" class without losing 10% of their invested practices. Since this is a "one shot" deal, here is some advice: (1) Choose the class that bet fits your mentality, not the one that is currently the "toughest". Don't let a class that currently has only a few skills that benefit from beyond 100% training stop you from becoming it. That's going to change soon. Over the course of the coming year, Nijlo's primary goal is to make as many skills benefit from over 100% training as possible. Because of this, the class that is "hot" today may be "not-so-hot" tomorrow. (2) The more Nijlo sees new and unique classes being played, the more he will be encouraged to concentrate on giving them benefits beyond 100% training and unique skills. Therefore, if you end up being the only person playing class X, email Nijlo, make him aware of it, and you will almost certainly see something unique and beneficial added to the class because YOU are playing. (3) Don't compare apples to oranges. Don't expect us to make sorcerers hit as hard as barbarians. Likewise, don't expect barbarians to eventually get a group portal, fireball and conjure deity spell. It ain't gonna happen. With that in mind, if you are playing class X and class X seems like it should have ability Y, tell us. Make a rational argument and more likely than not, you'll see class X eventually get ability Y. (4) Be patient. Changes take a lot of time. They require intense coding and even more intense testing and documentation. Thankfully Nodeka has been designed to be easily extended, so we have the ability to continually add new content to it. For more information, see: help adaptation, help one time no practice loss
At one point, it was discouraged to class change, and cost a character a lot in terms of progress, especially when it came to practices of skills and spells. Balance is less of an issue now, and the game being a live service allows for class changes over time in order to balance the game even more effectively if there are issues that arise in the meta.
Class Help Files[edit]
Using "display help class:"
[ Display Help (specific) ] Searching for: >> class << [ 'display help' for all topics ] armor class class class +damage class +hit class change class damage class hit class-native classes command: class command: display classes display classes invasion enemy classes minimize class changes score armor class score class score class + apply score class+apply toggle class-native