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Continent could refer to:

Gedaon is likely the most familiar continent. The default home of Ruushi, as well as the starter quests in the Fields of Guidance and Mejath are located within. There are many low-level areas and early-game quests here as well. It's located fairly close to center within the world and can be considered as a main hub of travel and activity, mainly due to the Temple of Ruushi. To the west is Tarsis, southwest Mhaldryn, southeast Foldroth, and northeast are the Isles of Drale. Of those, the next most familiar continent in the world is likely Mhaldryn, which is home to Aur-Vindi, a common home for many players, with access to Foldroth to the east.

Rough Map[edit]

|                                       |
|                             +--+      |
|                            ++  |      |
|                            |   +-+    |
|         +--+               |    Isles |
|  Tarsis-+  |      +--+     +----+of   |
|   +       ++   +--+  |          Drale |
|   |       |    |     +---+            |
|   |  +----+    +--+  Gedaon           |
|   +--+            +------+            |
|                                       |
|       +----+     +-----+              |
|    +--+    |   +-+     +--+           |
|  Mhaldryn  |   |          |           |
|  +         |   +       +--+           |
|  |        ++    +----Foldroth         |
|  +-+      |                           |
|    +------+                           |
|                                       |
