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A cordon is a piece of special loot dropped in Pain's Tabernacle that can be worn on the knees that can be paired with certain level 4 crafted items. The base stats for all cordons are +2 hit and +2 dam. But when paired, they will give a quest affect.

List of Cordons[edit]

an eldritch cordon of eventide
Items: +hit +mana +spirit +ac
Affect: +40 learning curve +8 hit +8 damage
an eldritch cordon of fealty
Items: +wis +con
Affect: +11 hit +11 dam
an eldritch cordon of impulse
Items: +spirit +con +int
Affect: +8 int +8 dam +8 Hit
an eldritch cordon of leaping
Items: +dex +agi
Affect: +8 dexterity +8 hit +8 damage
an eldritch cordon of legerdemain
Items: +mana +speed +intellect
Affect: +8 quickness +8 hit +8 damage
an eldritch cordon of morningtide
Items: +speed +wisdom +constitution
Affect: +8 speed +8 damage +8 hit
an eldritch cordon of resilience
Items: +willpower +constitution +strength
Affect: +8 will +8 damage +8 hit
an eldritch cordon of scattering
Items: +intellect +nat resist
Affect: +6 nat resist +8 hit +8 damage
an eldritch cordon of warding
Items: +health +agility
Affect: +8 agility +8 damage +8 hit
