Fervent War Cry

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Ability Information
Lag (ms) 0
Useable combat
Prevention war cry feat
Resource endurance
Cost 831
100% + Yes

Fervent war cry is a lagless combat skill that locks both the user and the target in combat. Though the helpfile fails to mention it, this skill is a war cry feat prevention ability.

From the helpfile:

Usage: fervent war cry <target>
Usage: fervent war cry (when in battle - will only target opponent)

Fervent war cry is the skill of calling upon one's own ability to intimidate
an opponent, to keep him or her locked in battle. Not only does this ability 
prevent the opponent from fleeing battle, it also keeps the user himself locked
in the fight.

An interesting aspect of fervent war cry is its innate ability to be used under
any circumstances, including while the user is berserk and insane. Due to this,
fervent war cry is a powerful killing tool.

The effectiveness of the fervent war cry is based on the user's strength. The 
duration of the war cry and the recovery time before using another war cry is 
based on the user's almighty constitution.
