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Race Description[edit]


"This is indeed an intriguing race. With an origin shrouded in mystery, there are not many who know where these creatures have come from. Aside from being smaller in stature, with little to no hair, they are very human in appearence [sic]. More than once has this caused an unfortunate opponent to underestimate their abilities and power. Unlike the human race, the Gaa'el are a race based on immense mental fortitude. They are able to tap into regions of the mind and psyche that few have even suspected the existence of; warping both light and magic around their modest forms in a way that can completely mask them from most forms of detection. In addition, the Gaa'el can project their senses forth psychically, gaining immediate knowledge of beings that may be far distant. There are three stages to this being's life span: the learning stage known as the Gaa'el, the stage of repent known as the Dayenar, and the final ascension to the highest plane of knowledge, known as the Koj'ehr stage."

Quoted from in-game description, new character generation. Copyright (c) Nodeka, LLC.

Racial Bonuses[edit]

 [ Selected Race   ]:  Gaa'el 

 [ Race Lineage    ] - Gaa'el, Dayenar, Koj'ehr

 [ Modifier Types  ] - dexterity +9       - speed +9           - intellect +9       
                     - willpower +30      - spirit +600        - nat resist +6      
                     - damage +2          - hit +2             
 [ Special Types   ] - mentally invisible 20% 
                     - undetectable/untravelable by distance magic 70% 
 [ Resistance +/-  ] - mental resistance 64% 
 [ Attack Types    ] - armed with - shape-of-the-mind fist 11% 
                     - armed with - shape-of-the-mind fist 11% 
                     - armed with - mental blast 1% 

Complementary Classes[edit]

Classes that pair well with the mortal race, Gaa'el are:

  • Potential Class

Racial Progression[edit]
