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Race Description[edit]


"At one point in ages past, the thieves of the land gathered together to fight off the Mercenaries of Vl'lak in their invasion of the simple town of Ruushi. While Hobbits were well-known before then, this time of war was humankind's first introduction to the true resourcefulness and prowess of the Hobbit race.

Quick-fingered and unparalleled in the thieving arts, the Hobbit is often looked down upon as a wastrel or a cutpurse, spending their stolen coin frivolously on wine, mutton, and tobacco while growing fat in their hovels. In truth, while Hobbits in general are extremely proficient in the arts of stealth and trickery, few will steal from any who they deem poor or helpless, and almost none are as lazy as they are portrayed. In fact, the Hobbits display an energy and resourcefulness that, combined with their stealth, serves them well in any profession they undertake. They do like the food and the pipe, though."

Quoted from in-game description, new character generation. Copyright (c) Nodeka, LLC.

Racial Bonuses[edit]

 [ Selected Race   ]:  Hobbit 

 [ Race Lineage    ] - Hobbit, Stoor, Thain

 [ Modifier Types  ] - agility +17        - dexterity +24      - speed +14          
                     - intellect +8       - willpower +6       - endurance +230     
                     - quickness +5       - hit +6             
 [ Special Types   ] - undetectable movement 66% 
                     - cloaked 24% 
                     - enhanced theft 15% 
                     - improved dodge 9% 
                     - free movement 5% 
 [ Attack Types    ] - armed with - quickened attack 10% 
                     - armed with - quickened attack 10% 
                     - armed with - thrust kick 5% 
                     - armed with - kneecap biting 28% 

Complementary Classes[edit]

Classes that pair well with the mortal race, Hobbit are:

  • Potential Class

Racial Progression[edit]
