Inscriptions List

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Below is an alphabetical list of inscriptions, as of August 17, 2021.



An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( armor ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'armor':

inscription:  loj  (stone) % *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: The armor spell adds a small amount of ranged deterrence
             to its recipient.
  empowered: Strongly increases the ranged deterrence benefit.

%  The benefit provided by this inscription increases with
   mastery in 'armor' beyond 100%.
*  The empowered benefit increases with greater aura strength.

ashi barai kick

An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( ashi barai kick ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'ashi barai kick':

inscription:  loj  (stone) % *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Applies a hampered movement debuff upon striking an
             opponent, lowering their move speed for several seconds.
  empowered: Strongly increases both the effect and the duration
             of the movement debuff.

inscription:  znv  (limiting) % *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Applies a subdual debuff upon striking an opponent,
             restricting their outgoing attacks and offensive
             abilities for several seconds.
  empowered: Strongly increases both the effect and the duration
             of the subdual debuff.

%  The benefit provided by this inscription increases with
   mastery in 'ashi barai kick' beyond 100%.
*  The empowered benefit increases with greater aura strength.

banded smiting initiative

An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( banded smiting initiative ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'banded smiting initiative':

inscription:  ra  (impact) % *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Applies a minor wound upon striking.
  empowered: Strongly increases the severity of the inflicted

inscription:  kyf  (brilliance) % *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Very slightly reduces the duration of all of the
             user's current preventions.
  empowered: Increases the reduction applied.

%  The benefit provided by this inscription increases with
   mastery in 'banded smiting initiative' beyond 100%.
*  The empowered benefit increases with greater aura strength.

extrinsic elucidation

An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( extrinsic elucidation ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'extrinsic elucidation':

inscription:  xt  (revealing) *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Reduces the spell's lag by 50%, and strongly
             reduces the chance of failure. Also, learning 
             this inscription grants access to deeper 
             knowledge of the xt aura, making it slightly 
             easier to raise an xt aura via empower.
  empowered: The insight gained through this spell translates
             into a direct boost to intellect, wisdom, and 
             willpower for several minutes.

*  The empowered benefit increases with greater aura strength.


An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( lightning ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'lightning':

inscription:  sji  (dimming) % *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Grants a slight increase in damage.
  empowered: Converts the lightning attack into a bolt of ghost
             lightning, granting it greater damage, allowing it
             to bypass resistances, and transferring some of the
             damage output into the user's health.

inscription:  znv  (limiting) % *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: The lightning bolt's shockwave has a chance of
             applying a percentage-based damage debuff to each 
             opponent who is flanking you.
  empowered: Arcing bolts will paralyze each opponent who is
             flanking you.

%  The benefit provided by this inscription increases with
   mastery in 'lightning' beyond 100%.
*  The empowered benefit increases with greater aura strength.

oblique pattern

An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( oblique pattern ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'oblique pattern':

inscription:  tih  (sheltering) % *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Surrounds the user in a protective pattern, granting
             a strong damage cap (fortress of the spirit) for 
             several rounds.
  empowered: Increases the duration of the protective pattern.

%  The benefit provided by this inscription increases with
   mastery in 'oblique pattern' beyond 100%.
*  The empowered benefit increases with greater aura strength.


An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( rage ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'rage':

inscription:  tih  (sheltering) *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Grants an increased ability to parry while raging.
  empowered: Greatly increases the effect and duration of the
             parry boost.

inscription:  znv  (limiting) *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Enhances the user's discipline and restraint while
             raging, allowing her to reduce the damage taken from
  empowered: Greatly increases the effect and duration of the
             counterattack resistance.

*  The empowered benefit increases with greater aura strength.

transient alteration

An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( transient alteration ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'transient alteration':

inscription:  zmo  (quickening)
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Slightly reduces the lag following a successful
  empowered: Removes all lag from the teleport attempt.

inscription:  xt  (revealing)
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Allows the user to completely bypass anti-distance
             magic when teleporting to her groupmates.
  empowered: Imbues the teleport attempt with unparalleled
             insight, allowing teleportation to a groupmate in a
             no-teleport room. (Beware - this can lead into very
             dangerous areas, and will not work in certain special


An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( vanish ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'vanish':

inscription:  sji  (dimming) *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Increases the success rate of vanish, based upon
             the user's agility.
  empowered: Cloaks the vanisher in impenetrable darkness,
             hiding her with the 'blackened' effect for a short

inscription:  zmo  (quickening) *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Increases the speed at which the vanish ability
             can be performed.
  empowered: Breaks the vanisher's bonds, granting her the
             'free movement' effect for a short time.

*  The empowered benefit increases with greater aura strength.


An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( visit ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'visit':

inscription:  zmo  (quickening)
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Slightly reduces the lag following a successful
  empowered: Removes all lag from the teleport attempt.

inscription:  xt  (revealing)
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Allows the user to completely bypass anti-distance
             magic when teleporting to her groupmates.
  empowered: Imbues the teleport attempt with unparalleled
             insight, allowing teleportation to a groupmate in a
             no-teleport room. (Beware - this can lead into very
             dangerous areas, and will not work in certain special

yikwon hand form

An in-game screenshot
Inscriptions ( yikwon hand form ):

The following inscriptions exist for 'yikwon hand form':

inscription:  bal  (malice) % *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: A successful yikwon strike will deepen any natural
             wounds on its victim, refreshing the wound's duration
             and increasing its severity.
  empowered: Greatly improves the wound severity increase.

inscription:  ra  (impact) % *
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: A successful yikwon strike on an opponent who is
             flanking you will daze them for a brief time.
  empowered: A successful yikwon strike on an opponent who is
             flanking you will paralyze them for a short period.

inscription:  yd  (replication)
   found at: Krijjkar (Ruushi invasion faction reward)
    passive: Yikwon hand form is now a charged prevention, with
             three charges.
  empowered: Increases yikwon's current charges to five.

%  The benefit provided by this inscription increases with
   mastery in 'yikwon hand form' beyond 100%.
*  The empowered benefit increases with greater aura strength.
