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Race Description[edit]


"Some say that the Jerof are a race without home or history, searching the realms of Nodeka for a story and a country to which they truly belong. Those who have actually befriended one of these rare beings, however, cannot help but deny that interpretation. The Jerof may not have a history that they know of, or at least that they're willing to share, but they are in no way lost. A short-furred, humanoid-wolfen adapation that tends toward the tall and lean, the Jerof blend into the daily tapestry of human life seamlessly and effortlessly - merchant and gypsy, sailor and landlord.

The Jerof have developed a form of martial swordsmanship which allows them to leverage their agility and specific strengths to formidable effect. A Jerowae in melee combat always moves efficiently and quietly, wasting no energy in unnecessary movement or showmanship. Their prowess, however, can be quite devastating; their talent at the art of riposte, particularly, allows them to convert many parried blows into extremely damaging counterattacks."

Quoted from in-game description, new character generation. Copyright (c) Nodeka, LLC.

Racial Bonuses[edit]

 [ Selected Race   ]:  Jerof 

 [ Race Lineage    ] - Jerof, Jerokai, Jerowae

 [ Modifier Types  ] - agility +20        - dexterity +25      - willpower +9       
                     - health +250        - spirit +400        - quickness +4       
                     - nat resist +8      - damage +2          - hit +10            
 [ Special Types   ] - improved parry 6% 
                     - halve opponent's natural resistance 24% 
 [ Resistance +/-  ] - physical resistance 27% 
                     - spirit resistance 27% 
                     - impairment invulnerability 12% 
 [ Defensive Types ] - riposte defense 18% 
 [ Attack Types    ] - armed with - bonus attack 15% 
                     - armed with - bonus attack 15% 

Complementary Classes[edit]

Classes that pair well with the mortal race, Jerof are:

  • Potential Class

Racial Progression[edit]
