Ram door

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Ram door:

Usage: ram door <direction>

Ram door is a charge based force open door prevention ability. Charge based 
prevention abilities allow the user to use the prevention ability until the 
number of charges are exhausted. Once the charges are exhausted, the user must
wait for the prevention affect to fall before using the ability again. The 
number of charges obtained by ram door is based on the user's constitution.

Ram door is a truly mindless ability. This skill, simply put, attempts to ram
into a door with all the user's might. Such attempts, when performed by those 
with massive strength, have been known to blast open doors which have been 
locked with the most massive bolts ... or further, those doors which cannot be 

Be warned, ram door incurs a hefty prevention time. Even after it's been 
reduced by the might of the user, its duration is great due to the power and 
potential power of ram door.
