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Regeneration is the process at which pools (health, endurance, mana, and spirit) all get returned to the maximum. Regen most often occurs every game tick (minute), but the process of regeneration, and the rates themselves, can be affected by a number of ways, including but not limited to:
- Game tick
- Racial affect
- Skill or spell which restores a pool directly
- restore
- Regen rooms
- Advanced regen rooms
- Glacious stone
Pool regeneration rates: Pools (health, mana, spirit and endurance) regenerate at the percentages shown in your score sheet. However, once your pool regeneration rates exceed 5,000 per tick, a slightly reduced regeneration algorithm is used: 33.3% of the amount beyond 5,000 is regenerated. Example: Health 50,000, regen rate 10% = 5,000 health regenerated Health 60,000, regen rate 10% = 5,333 health regenerated Health 70,000, regen rate 10% = 5,666 health regenerated Health 80,000, regen rate 10% = 5,999 health regenerated Health 90,000, regen rate 10% = 6,332 health regenerated Health 100,000, regen rate 10% = 6,665 health regenerated For more information, see help on: health, mana, spirit, endurance.
Score Sheet Topic[edit]
Score Sheet Topic: Regeneration Rate Regeneration rates apply to pools (see 'help score pools' for further information). Regeneration rates are defined by percentages. The percentage of regeneration is the percent of the pool that you will recover in one phase. For example: Health 9% regeneration rate would mean you regenerate 9% of your maximum health pool in one phase. Keep in mind these percentages are evaluated assuming you are in a sleeping state. Regeneration rates while standing, resting, fighting will be less than the normal regeneration rate listed.