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In Nodeka, like other MUDs and games in the genre, is the smallest unit of "space," that is, a single spot that player(s), mobs, items, and more can exist. Each room is made up of a room number, room name, exits (if any), description, and is able to contain player characters, NPCs, and items.
Visible Attributes[edit]
- Room Name: this item is the "short name" of the place, what a player sees when moving into the space; another way of thinking of it could be described as a title of sorts.
- Example: "Ruushi Town Hall" or "Intersection of Talmak Way and Ushaa Road", both found in Ruushi
- Exits: Directions you can move your character into. There are 6 possible exits from each room–the cardinal directions north, south, east, and west–as well as up and down. There are two ways these are displayed in Nodeka: default and compact. These can be changed with a toggle, Compact Exits. By default, exits are displayed at the bottom of each room, after name and description. Compact exits show them in-line with the room name.
- Description: a room description is an attribute that explains what a player is looking at. Each room has a description, and is only displayed when entering a room if the brief setting is toggled on. "Brief" is a setting which will only show the room name and exits. To see and read the room's description, you can always
Hidden Attributes[edit]
- Room Number: this attribute is hidden to non-builders and mortals. PCs with the ability to build in an area, like their clan hall, can see room numbers. There is a toggle setting as well, Show Room Number, which will show the room number if you're able to.
- Flags: Flags are a hidden field that give rooms specific characteristics, such as being !port, a regen room, citadel viewing room, requiring certain PC characteristics, and more. Mortal clan hall builders cannot change these–only immortal builders with appropriate powers can.
- A room can hold a maximum number of 500 dropped items.