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- A Bayeshi guard's sword
- A Bayeshi priest's mantle
- A D'nari claw
- A D'nari guard's cloak
- A D'nari standard uniform
- A D'nari steel visor
- A D'nari templar's bracelet
- A Derkai Emblem
- A Derkai dagger
- A Derkai scale breastplate
- A Hood of the Infinite
- A Katahdin guard's headband
- A Qellan diary
- A Sun Cult earring
- A Vl'lakian loop of striking
- A Vl'lakian portcullis key
- A Vl'lakian wyrmbone key
- A bag of pastries
- A balanced hunting spear
- A bamboo sword
- A band of glowing crystal
- A banded leather vest
- A barbed quarterstaff
- A barbed short sword
- A basilisk's tongue
- A bat-shaped nose stud
- A battered copper short sword
- A beaked throwing hammer
- A bearhide loincloth
- A bearskin cape
- A beetle shell helmet
- A beetle shell shield
- A befouled fleshrender
- A belt of cracked demonhide
- A belt of prayer beads
- A belt of purple dyed cloth
- A berserker's battle-axe
- A bird-faced paper mask
- A black-enamelled broadsword
- A black-rock
- A black cloak
- A black cowl
- A black earring of the misty magi
- A black headband
- A black onyx stud
- A black pearl earring
- A black ringmail vest
- A black silk eyepatch
- A black staff of the misty magi
- A blank page
- A blazing orange helmet
- A blazing orange ring
- A blazing phoenix feather
- A blessed haversack of the Saint
- A blood-cured tunic
- A blood-stained dagger
- A blood red helmet
- A blood red spike
- A blue brigand's mask
- A blue dragon's tooth
- A blue dragonscale face plate
- A blue silk headband
- A blue steel blade
- A blue velvet choker
- A box of festive trimmings
- A bracelet of rapture
- A bracer of endowment
- A bramblehide vest
- A bread knife
- A bright, colorful cloak
- A bright red bandana
- A bright yellow cape
- A brilliant emerald-green cloak
- A broad falchion
- A broken Derkai horn
- A bronze basinet
- A brooch of venom-etched silver
- A bumblebee stinger
- A burst of molten rock
- A carved runestone
- A carved spear
- A ceremonial tunic
- A chackrum
- A chain collar
- A chain of linked stones
- A chainmail coif
- A chainmesh aventail
- A chaos shroud
- A charred carnassial
- A charred warhammer
- A chipped steel cleaver
- A cindercore power source
- A cinnamon bun
- A circlet of beaten gold
- A circular blade
- A clay mask
- A clear stone earring
- A cloak of feathers
- A cloak of the Templar lords
- A cloak of woven grass
- A clot of congealed ichor
- A cockatrice headdress
- A collared black cloak
- A commemorative cerulean braid
- A commemorative cerulean grip
- A commemorative cerulean loop
- A commemorative dark-silk braid
- A commemorative dark-silk grip
- A commemorative dark-silk loop
- A commemorative explorer's braid
- A commemorative explorer's grip
- A commemorative explorer's loop
- A commemorative iron-link braid
- A commemorative iron-link grip
- A commemorative iron-link loop
- A commemorative skyguard's braid
- A commemorative skyguard's grip
- A commemorative skyguard's loop
- A commemorative stalker's braid
- A commemorative stalker's grip
- A commemorative stalker's loop
- A commemorative vine-braid
- A commemorative vine-grip
- A commemorative vine-loop
- A complete spirit
- A concussion shell
- A consecrated cloak of the lords
- A cookie
- A copper axe
- A copper breastplate
- A copper key
- A copper morningstar
- A copper ring
- A copper shield
- A cracked buck antler
- A cracked hunter's knife
- A crafted test amulet
- A crafted test bracer
- A crafted test hauberk
- A crafted test stick
- A creased note from Rizzo
- A crest-etched signet key
- A crimson-mesh belt
- A crimson sun tattoo
- A crocodile-tooth necklace
- A cross-shaped nose stud
- A crude eyepatch
- A crude stone axe
- A crying paper mask
- A crystal band of protection
- A crystal ring of fate
- A curved dueling sabre
- A curved razor-sharp knife
- A cypress staff
- A dangling cat's-eye earring
- A dangling drop of fire
- A dangling fire diamond
- A dark-magic arrow
- A dark clay key
- A dark green key
- A dark key
- A dark woolen travelling cloak
- A deacon's skullcap
- A dead puppy
- A deep blue armband
- A deep blue key
- A deep red robe
- A defensive gray belt
- A delicate golden earring
- A delicate pearl ring
- A delicate silver tiara
- A demon rattle
- A demonhide skullcap
- A demonic shield
- A dented pail
- A dented steel breastplate
- A diamond wristband
- A dirty bowl
- A disease banner
- A double-edged sabre
- A dragon-hunter's blade
- A dragontongue trident
- A droplet of congealed red plasma
- A drow blade
- A druid's soul
- A dulled training sword
- A duskar belt
- A faded page
- A fang-carved key
- A feathered javelin
- A festering shroud of skin
- A festival braid segment
- A festival buckle
- A festival grip segment
- A festival loop segment
- A festival tread segment
- A fey-silver anklet
- A field knife
- A fiend's horned skull
- A fiery dream-catcher
- A fiery red bracer
- A filthy dagger
- A finely made key
- A fire-blue sphere
- A fire arrow
- A fishing hook
- A fishnet tangled in seaweed
- A flaming wand
- A flaming whip
- A flask of fireflies
- A flickering torch
- A flowing green cloak
- A flowing red cloak
- A flowing white cloak
- A fluttering brilliant light
- A flytrap leaf
- A folding rogue's blade
- A folding silk fan
- A forging flame
- A four-pointed star
- A foxhead tikka
- A fragrance pouch
- A frightening orcish mask
- A fringe of scarlet ribbons
- A frog's eye
- A gar-tooth necklace
- A garrote wire ring
- A gaudy painted mask
- A geiststone
- A gem
- A gheiz's mist-shroud
- A giant firebeetle husk
- A gilded longsword
- A glass longsword
- A gleaming Derkai kris
- A gleaming blue key
- A gleaming scimitar
- A gleaming silver ring
- A glimmering ruby earring
- A glistening silver shard
- A glowbug in an ale bottle
- A glowing blossom of Avi
- A glowing crystal shard
- A glowing moonshard earring
- A glowing moonstone
- A glowing shard of the underworld
- A glowing white key
- A gold-hilted cutlass
- A gold cloak pin
- A gold medallion
- A goldenmesh aventail
- A gray backpack
- A great Klieard'n whale's tooth
- A greatsword of serrated bone
- A green dragonscale breastplate
- A grey hat
- A grey shuriken
- A grey steel blade
- A grey tunic
- A griffonhide cloak
- A grovewarden's scabbard
- A guijia carapace
- A guise of demonkin
- A halberd radiating with magic
- A heavy orcish pike
- A heavy steel flail
- A high-collared aketon
- A hoe
- A hooded lantern
- A horse's hoof
- A horse-hair helmet
- A hovering dream-catcher
- A humming oak staff
- A jade band of stoneskin
- A jade bracelet
- A jagged ring of bone
- A javelin of lightning
- A jet black key
- A jewel-encrusted headband
- A jeweled ring
- A jovial jester's hat
- A kangaroo pouch
- A karagh skull
- A key of hardened blood
- A key of pure moonlight
- A key of splintered bone
- A key of warm stone
- A key to a cell
- A key to salvation
- A key to the council chamber
- A knotted whip
- A large copper key
- A large fighting knife
- A large glass pitcher
- A large iron key
- A large leather backpack
- A large padlock key
- A large paper envelope
- A large sack
- A large swath of snakeskin
- A leather aventail
- A leather cuirass
- A leather helm
- A light chain shirt
- A light hammer
- A light warhammer
- A lightning bolt dangling from a hoop
- A lion's-head key
- A live electric wire
- A long, wickedly curved knife
- A long-pommeled broadsword
- A long silver bow
- A long wooden bow
- A long woolen skirt
- A looking glass
- A loop of dense water
- A loop of miniature bells
- A loop of swirling darkness
- A lotus petal
- A lucky coin
- A lucky rat's tail
- A mace of destruction
- A mage's belt-pouches
- A mage blood cloak
- A magical belt
- A magical black belt
- A magical crystolic wristband
- A magical iron mask
- A maker's toolkit
- A manriki
- A mantle of seaweed and coral
- A mask of moonlight
- A massive iron breastplate
- A massive slab of rock
- A medallion of the Eminent Warden
- A metal arrow
- A metal spoon
- A metallic bracelet
- A midnight black robe
- A miner's pick
- A misty black crystal
- A misty black medallion
- A misty black ring
- A misty black robe
- A misty blue key