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A speedwalk is a shorthand expression of movement commands. It is a handy way to condense a long string of moves together to get to another place more quickly. A speedwalk could also useful not only to get to an area you don't know how to get to yet, but for often-used paths and journeys, loaders, or other utilities.

See also: List of Speedwalks, and Guide: Speedwalks.

Help File[edit]

help command: speedwalk


Usage: speedwalk

This command allows the user to enter in a number of directions at once
enabling the user to move several directions in a single command.

Even if you use a client that has speedwalking, you should use Nodeka's
speedwalking instead. The reason for this is very simple:

       When you use your client's speedwalking, each direction is sent to Nodeka
       one command at a time. In addition, the entire word of each direction is
       sent to Nodeka (for example, if you type 3n, your client interprets that as
       north north north ). This is because general clients
       can't be sure that the letter "n" will in fact trigger the "north" command.
       When you use Nodeka's speedwalking to perform the same command, you simply
       send: sp 3n . Nodeka does the rest.

Imagine how much bandwidth you save when you speed walk tens or hundreds
of directions when using Nodeka's speedwalking versus your client's

       Nodeka's speedwalking is faster for you simply due to the decreased data you
       send to the Nodeka server. Sending less data on your end, means less lag on
       your end. It also means your commands are processed faster.

Examples of Nodeka speedwalking:

       Move 6 north, 6 east, 3 west, 2 up
       > sp nnnnnneeeeeewwwuu

       Move 10 north, 5 west, 13 north, 8 up, 2 down
       > sp 10n5w13n8u2d

       Move 5 north, 12 west
       > sp nnnnn12w

       Move up, move down, move west, move east, move south, move 24 west
       > sp udwes24w

Nodeka's speedwalking is currently limited to 400 moves. Any speedwalk beyond
400 moves will be rejected by Nodeka.

For more information, see: help north, [[help east, help south, help west,
                          help up, help down
